Lens-Artist Photo Challenge #281—Favorite Images of 2023

I would like to extend my gratitude to the Lens-Artists team for extending an invitation to join them. I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised and deeply happy to become a part of this esteemed group of talented photographers, who not only capture mesmerizing images but also possess a remarkable gift for storytelling through words. As for me, I tend to adopt a more direct approach; I believe that a photograph should inherently narrate a compelling story. Perhaps it’s just my inclination towards visual expression, or maybe it’s due to my perceived lack of proficiency in conveying narratives with words. Nonetheless, I sincerely appreciate the invitation and am genuinely honored to be included as a member of this distinguished group.

One year has come and gone and I looked at all the photos I’ve posted, SO, SO many. I will make a point of not posting more than 10 photos a post from now on in these challenges. I could even do less, who knows. By doing so, it becomes possible to maintain a better overview of the content that I have shared, allowing for more deliberate, meaningful engagement.

As I reflected on my photography journey, I found that the simplicity in composition has a unique way of drawing the eye and establishing a sense of balance within the frame. Black and white photography, in particular, has a timeless elegance that captivates the essence of the subjects captured.

The prevailing themes of sea, lakes, forest, and clouds underscore my deep appreciation for the marvels of nature, each holding a special place in my heart.

These ten photos I chose I like, they may not the best ones, but they summarize what what I like to photograph and what style of photography I do.

Furthermore, the vibrant beauty of flowers has consistently been a compelling subject, offering an ever-present source of joy and inspiration. Additionally, capturing the diverse range of people and their myriad of moods has allowed me to encapsulate the essence of life that surrounds me. Odd and unexpected things draw my attention and keeps me alert – look closely that is my motto.

By embracing these elements, I have discovered a profound connection to the world around me through my photography. The world as I see it (through my camera)