Lens-Artists Challenge #274 – Filling the frame

This week, Anne challenges us with, Filling the Frame.

Filling the frame in photography is a technique that can have different effects depending on how you use it.

It can help you to direct the viewer’s focus to your main subject, by eliminating distractions and negative space. It can also help you to accentuate simplicity in your composition, by highlighting the shapes, colors, textures, and details of your subject. It can also help you to create emotional impact in your image, by making your subject appear larger, closer, and more intimate.

Some of the techniques for filling the frame are: You can get closer to your subject, either physically or by using a zoom lens, to fill the frame with more of your subject. You can also crop your image during editing, to remove unwanted elements and adjust the composition.

Filling the frame in photography is a versatile and powerful technique that can enhance your images in many ways. However, it is not always the best choice for every situation. Sometimes, you might want to leave some negative space or background in your image, to create a sense of context, depth, or contrast.

I already posted this once, it is a very recent shot and I am very happy with it . I used crop technique to get the result. As with the shots below of fruits, berries and vegetables You can also use a macro lens to fill the frame with small subjects, such as flowers, insects, or jewelry.

These are taken below or underneath the subject – architectural design choices.

Traffic below

Artistic droplets
I feel this is a full frame even though a small part of the plant is in focus.

My last set is portraits.

26 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Challenge #274 – Filling the frame

  1. Your photography is quite simply magical Ritva. They are all wonderful but my favorites of the set are the leaf and the orange plant in partial focus. And OF COURSE the amazing image of the cat. Beautifully done as always.

  2. You’ve filled your frame with beautiful pictures Ritva. My favorite has to be the cat. And I loved your portraits. Your technical expertise is amazing.

  3. Ritva, your gallery was so enlightening. Thanks for the beautiful photos. Even though I’m not a cat person, your opening shot won my heart. Purrrr!

  4. Good afternoon, dear Ritva,
    what a variety of pictures. We love best your three picture of architecture. It’s interesting how you filled the frame there.
    Wishing you a happy week
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  5. Gorgeous! I have tried some of the ideas you have shown but I’ve still a lot to learn 🙂. I wonder how did you take the first two architectural shots – they are great! The cat is lovely of course😀.

  6. What a beautiful gallery. I do love the emotion and expression you captured in your portraits. And you are so right with “filling the frame”. It accentuates simplicity. Love the water drops, and my favorite in addition to the kitty nose, is the yellow swirly overhang. Whoa. So Nice.

  7. Macro and cropping is can do using an iPhone since I don’t have a camera. A bit of negative space is good. You’re a great photographer, Rita.

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