Lens Artists Challenge #277: empty Spaces

This week Patti wants us to look for empty spaces. Empty Spaces. Literal or figurative, conveying aloneness . I found this to be a great pick from Patti’s post.

Some of you may be wondering if empty space is the same as negative space. TThe quick answer from an expert is that they are similar” Negative space is thought of as an image with a lot of empty space...While this is how negative space is most often used, this is not the only way….A negative space image occurs when the areas surrounding the subject are peripheral. They almost blend into the background. This causes you to focus even more on the subject.

Thanks for the inspiration, here are my choices for the week

Empty spaces are the gaps or voids between objects, words, or sounds. They can have different meanings and effects depending on the context and the perspective of the observer. Some people may see empty spaces as opportunities for creativity, exploration, or reflection. Others may perceive them as sources of anxiety, loneliness, or boredom.

Empty spaces can also be used to create contrast, balance, or harmony in art, design, or music. In some cases, empty spaces can be more powerful or expressive than the filled ones.

Desert with mirage, moon, desert road

Empty beach

Chairs, empty spaces …. alone.

Driving from Nevada to California there are lots of empty spaces.

Empty space in life…often we plan and forget to live, or live in the past.

Blue moment

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