Lens-Artists Challenge #268 – Tell Us Why

Many thanks to Tina for this challenge.

She challenges us to choose up to a MAXIMUM OF TEN images which are your all-time favorites and tell us why you chose them.

I enjoyed looking through my archives to choose my favorite images. I have to say that I had really hard time picking the images. I had already a picked some images that I like to my blogs side banner. I noticed there are few that I chose here too. Some of my favorite shots .

Tina’s images for “Tell Us Why” are beautiful, check them out be inspired.

This image has the mood , an element that I enjoy catching. It is sea and clouds two topics that I love.

I took this on a supposed beach day in Florida, Del Ray Beach, that did not happen, instead I did get this

Again, I love the atmosphere in this night street shot, it was early October night, a bit of drizzle in the air as we walked in old town Nice, in France. I like the framing in this photo and the feeling of waiting that I sense in this photo.

Taken in Thailand in a temple in Phuket. This monk statue placed so that it looked at the mountains with well wishing bell hanging in front of it. Yes, Mood and I like how the photo is composed. If I would now edit it, I would remove the rope hanging that causes distraction.

Black and white still life from Verla It is a unique UNESCO World Heritage site that brings the turn of the 20th century to life. This is a detail from the THE MILL MUSEUM . I was given permit to take photos for a photograph exbibition that I had. This is one of my favorite shot of used cogwheels placed on the wall. The side window gave the shot beautiful light.

This is from Australia, taken from the twelve apostles. That coastline is so beautiful, I could have picked one of many shot I took there. I like the natural colors and the composition in this one, it is balanced and you can feel the cool wind.

I took this at the Helsinki Zoo as the brown bears were playing in the water. I le the movement and action in this animal photo. I like how the bears fits the frame and you can feel the energy they created in the moment.

This is from my home town of Kirkkonummi in Southern Finland. A road in afternoon light. The leading line of the gravel road and shadows from the low light gives it a mood and invite you to go t the light.

Composition and simplicity of the nature make this shot.

Well this one of my favorite shots of my husband, it fills the frame it is authentic in expression and you can see signs of life lived.

Sunset are lovely. spectacular color shows, but in my mind if you have something else also frame it is more interesting. This from Key West, Florida the sun setting and the pelican flying in front of a pier. The composition works and the silhouette’s of the background gives it depth.

Let’s end with a shot appropriate for the season. Colors, framing, leading lines make this shot.

The header is 10+1 it from Cape Verde . I love the colorful feeling of it the leisurely mood and I think the framing works. 🙂

22 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Challenge #268 – Tell Us Why

  1. Some great choices, Ritva! Love the mood of the Kirkonummi shot, the energy of the bears, and the calm of the last image

  2. A beautiful post Ritva – I have no doubt it was a real challenge for you to narrow down to 10! I loved them all but my favorites are your husband’s portrait which is wonderful, (a life well-lived indeed), the cogwheels (very dramatic) and the moody nature opener.

  3. I love the portrait of your husband, Ritva, so much better than a formal portrait. The bears playing is so much fun, the last shot is beautiful no matter the season, and I loved them all. ❤

  4. Amazing selections, Ritva! Breathtaking. The portrait of your husband is extraordinary, it tells stories…
    I love all of your images.

  5. Wonderful collection, Ritva. The sky in the first one is really amazing as well as the path trough the colorful alley.
    Is the monk really a statue 😳😮 amazing! And an amazing view 👍👍👍 well done!

  6. I looked and re-looked at all of them. For me, the pelican at Key West was an amazing capture of an exact moment in time. Like others, I love the portrait of your husband. A life well- lived. And a perfect ending with the beginning of autumn. Always a fan…

  7. You always send us amazing posts, Ritva, and this is of course no exception. Love your nature portraits always, but this time I would say the portrait of your husband is number one for me.

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