Lens-Artists Challenge #287 – Sound

Donna from Wind Kisses has given us a challenge to show sound in our photos. What an interesting and challenging task. I really had to give this some thought.

The presence of sound is constant, a never-ending symphony of life reverberating through the air. the haunting wail of the wind can be heard through the window. Its mournful howl seems to intensify the chill in the air, permeating every corner of the room.

The soothing sound of water is a timeless melody that resonates with the soul. The gentle pitter-patter of raindrops falling on the earth creates a comforting rhythm, symbolizing nature’s embrace. The rush of rapids flowing downstream echoes with an invigorating energy, reminding us of the unstoppable force of life. Waves crashing on the shore produce a symphony of power and grace, a dance between water and land that captures the essence of both strength and serenity. Meanwhile, the calming lapping of water on a lake’s edge invokes a sense of tranquility, weaving a sense of peace and harmony with every ripple. Each of these sounds forms a unique part of the intricate song of water, a melody that has captivated and inspired humanity throughout the ages.

Music was the first thing that came to mind…

I can hear the beating of the drums, the cello’s sound is full, like a canvas painted with emotion. When you listen to a harp, each pluck resonates with clarity, like dewdrops on a spider’s web at dawn. Saxophone, you’ll notice a rich warmth in its tone. It’s as if the sound wraps around you like a cozy blanket on a chilly evening

We often say we want silence, but most of us never experience total silence. Does it mean to us a moment of silence in nature, like listening to the wind, waves and sounds of birds for example? Or something totally different? Maybe it’s about sitting and reading a book, listening only to our own thoughts. Are these the moments of silence? It’s interesting to ponder the different forms of silence we encounter in our lives. Nature’s sounds can indeed offer a form of serene stillness, a chance to pause and be present in the moment. On the other hand, the tranquility of being engrossed in a book, completely absorbed in our thoughts, can also bring about a sense of inner quietude.

Silence itself is multifaceted, woven into the fabric of our experiences in diverse ways. It can be the absence of external noise, but also the opportunity to connect with ourselves on a deeper level. Perhaps, it’s not just about the absence of sound, but about finding harmony within ourselves despite the cacophony of the world around us. Whether it’s the gentle rustling of leaves or the whispered pages of a book, these moments offer a chance to embrace the essence of silence in its various forms.

Cacophony, a blend of unharmonious sounds that we encounter on a daily basis. From the hustle and bustle of people going about their business in malls and cafes to the clatter of construction work and the cacophony of voices in food markets, it seems that we are constantly surrounded by a symphony of discordant sounds. Even the perpetual traffic on our streets adds to this auditory mix, creating an overwhelming atmosphere that can be quite challenging to ignore. This auditory cacophony is the soundtrack of our modern lives, a chaotic medley that, in its own way, reflects the vibrant energy and diversity of the bustling world around us.

While we may long for moments of tranquility and peace amidst this cacophony, it also serves as a testament to the liveliness and diversity of human activity and interaction. It serves as a constant reminder of the vivid tapestry of human existence, a reminder that in the midst of dissonance, there is a harmony waiting to be discovered.

I will be hosting my first challenge as a member of the team next week, so I hope to see you visiting my post to see what I have come up with 🙂

To participate in this challenge, you should link to or leave a comment on the week’s host’s original challenge post and please use the #Lens-Artists tag in your own post, so the post is easily found in the Reader.

43 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Challenge #287 – Sound

  1. Oh gosh… I can just read and reread your thoughts that step us into your photos, Ritva. I love that you started us with the sounds of water and then walked us into what most of us will think of, music. Your description of a cello, like a canvas painted with emotion is so powerful. I liked the way you describe the reading of the book and it being in our own thoughts. I liked how you described silence and harmony and how you brought it to us in photos. I am very much that person, and am humbled to see it put into words…by you. I can rarely pick a favorite of your photos. Big surprise, right? But today I think I love the last gallery of city life. Everyday…just going along with us or without us. Fantastic, and I am so looking forward to your challenge next week.

  2. I so adore the sound of water. I have a drum that has metal all bearings in it and it sound exactly like the ocean. It’s called on ocean drum. :D

  3. Beautiful post Ritva. I especially enjoyed the images of cacophony, they’re perfect!! Looking forward to your first hosting as a teammate next week!

  4. Ritva–I think you have outdone yourself today. Like Donna, I can read and reread this post, which is exactly what I shall do. Bravo!

  5. Fabulous post, Ritva! I love your images of water evoking gentler sounds, right through to the city noises

  6. Sounds are everywhere, there is no place on earth where it is 100% silent. But I admit some sounds are more pleasing than others. Personaly I love the sounds in nature and of corse… a nice piece of music.

  7. Oh my Ritva, what an amazing response in both images and narrative. You presented your images and then told us about what the sounds feel like for you. I think all our senses are interconnected. What we hear and see we feel. Each picture and word sends different feelings to each of us. Well done. Can;t wait for next week and your official debut.

  8. Ritva, what a creative idea to open your post with a collage of sounds in your images! I also loved the groups you created for each type of sound. It was a wonderful post with amazing photos. I can hardly wait for your first official challenge next week.

  9. Fabulous post, Ritva. You always organise your photos in perfect galleries and your words are just beautiful. Love the journey from nature quiet sounds to the bustling of cities, and everything in between. Looking forward to your challenge next week!

  10. Ha! A veritable plethora of cacophony. The musicians and city galleries are among my many faves. Who is the big band in the banner collage?

  11. What a great range Ritva 🙂..Cacophony – the side-effect of modern urban living! And I also thought the same as you when writing my post – do we ever have total silence? I think we just perceive the absence of certain sounds as total silence. And sometimes, I find the lack of familiar sounds unbearable, and need to purposely introduce noise into the tranquility! Funny isn’t it?

  12. Nice response to Donna’s challenge this week, Ritva! I could all but hear the whisper of the wind in that opening photo as it grows to a wail.

    I am looking forward to your challenge next week!

  13. Wonderful gallery of sounds, Ritva. From silence to cacophony – I can hear them all. The sounds of the city is loud, so loud. I cannot stay more than a week in a city – but that week contains a lot of sounds…

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