Lens-Artists Challenge #292 people here, there & everywhere

So this week, our challenge is to share images of the people we’ve captured along the way. That’s what Tina from requested for this weeks challenge. Simple request.

Like many, when I started taking photos, they were mainly of friends and family. When I got my kids… you know how the story continues. I still love taking photos of people here, there, and everywhere. No explanations, simply just some people shots I’ve taken. Street photography is interesting and at events, you can find lots of interesting people.

Last week Patti‘s challenge gave us tour around the world with beautiful cities to discover. I truly enjoyed discovering the new cities. Next week Sofia from PHOTOGRAPHIAS will come up with something new for us to tackle with, looking forward to seeing it. Until then, keep smiling ☺

To participate in this challenge, you should link to or leave a comment on the week’s host’s original challenge post and please use the #Lens-Artists tag in your own post, so the post is easily found in the Reader.

And if you want even more information on the Lens-Artists Challenge, please click here.

40 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Challenge #292 people here, there & everywhere

  1. Like you I enjoy street photography so I really enjoyed these galleries. The set of B&W shots of children is especially good and the one of the clown excellent too. Other favourites include the man with the pig (!) and the man reading a newspaper outside a cafe. Great post!

  2. Loved all of these Ritva – you really are a talented photographer! My favorite is the sad little girl with the light on her back, that’s a really wonderful image.

  3. Great street photography captured in various places. My favorites are the children. You captured their genuine emotions with your amazing photography.

  4. What a beautiful collection! I especially liked the ship photos and the light you capture. The monochromes were gorgeous, too. I gotta say that your opening photo with the clown was very touching.

  5. Key West looks like a fun place, but my favourites are your black and whites, Ritva. The children’s expressions are wonderful.

  6. Wow, you have a huge variety of pictures of people. And it’s especially those that don’t pose specifically for the camera that make a photo special.

  7. These are all great captures. The light and the motifs compelling.The children in monochrome are excellent and so emotional. Beautiful. I have seen more portraits from you before – you are so very good at it.

  8. oh how I love seeing people doing what they love to do, and you sure brought that to us, Ritva. And people aside, gotta love that pig!

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