Monochrome – an old, weathered building

The cobblestone streets led me to an enigmatic relic—an old, weathered building that stood defiant against the passage of time. Its walls bore the scars of countless seasons, each crack and peeling paint layer a testament to memories etched into its very essence.

an old, weathered building in Riga, Latvia

The windows, some boarded up like secrets held too close, others revealing glimpses of the past, beckoned me closer. The sun, cast its golden brushstrokes upon the facade. Shadows danced, revealing hidden nooks and crannies. I imagined the building’s heyday…

Posted for Dawn’s Monochrome Madness

10 thoughts on “Monochrome – an old, weathered building

  1. That is a great old building Ritva. It is one thing about Australia that is hard, we just don’t have really old buildings.

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