MAY Squares #4

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has returned. I sadly thought so some time back, but now it appears that it is really back.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

Wood Anemone , When Mothers’ Day arrives in Finland at the beginning of May, the broad-leaved forest floors in the south of the country are a sea of wood anemones as nature comes back to life in all her glory. The time when the anemones flower is called the ‘spring aspect’ of the forest, meaning the time when tree leaves don’t yet cast a shadow on the forest floor. 

As I am going to post mostly photos of me documenting the spring, here are two found yesterday. The bottom one I took because of the background of the photo.

6 thoughts on “MAY Squares #4

  1. Your photos are wonderful, Ritva. So full of life and movement. I think it’s Mother’s Day tomorrow here in Portugal. Have a happy day!

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