MAY Squares #13

 Becky’s Square challenge,has me mostly documenting the arrival of spring, but who knows I might surprise you with something different too, but not today.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

Spring flowers, that’s it.

MAY Squares #12

 Becky’s Square challenge,has me mostly documenting the arrival of spring, but who knows I might surprise you with something different too, but not today.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

The joy of May green

New green

MAY Squares #9

 Becky’s Square challenge,has me mostly documenting the arrival of spring, but who knows I might surprise you with something different too, but not today.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

wood sorrel

MAY Squares #8

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has a theme,  Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. 

I thought I would take another not so obvious choice, moving forward. they moved, stopped and moved forward in a circle. Sadly I only have these shots taken with my mobile and from rather long distance back, so they are not as crisp as I would prefer, but that’s life. Move one … 🙂

As I am going to post mostly photos of me documenting the spring, these are taken at early spring 🙂 in Australia.

MAY Squares #7

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has me mostly documenting the arrival of spring, but not today 🙂

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

When it comes to urban development, it’s a constant process in bustling cities. The skyline is often filled with cranes as new structures rise and old ones undergo renovations. It’s an ever-changing landscape, and the presence of construction cranes has almost become a symbol of progress and transformation. Even though the specific view may have changed over the years, the sight of cranes shaping the city’s skyline remains a familiar one. Helsinki reflects the continuous evolution and growth of the city, offering a blend of modernity and history for all of us to experience.


MAY Squares #6

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has me mostly documenting the arrival of spring, but who knows I might surprise you with something different too, but not today.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

Sadly after a warm and lovely week, and for the most part of it I have stayed outside – and am I glad I did, because the forecast for the coming week is so depressing – temperatures dropping by 10 degrees at least. Yesterday it was +19 C to day 9C.

We are going to our summer house for an extended weekend before I start work on next Monday and the forecast is not promising. This spring is just depressing, come on. Enough of this cold weather.

Maple tree buds.

MAY Squares #5

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has returned. I sadly thought so some time back, but now it appears that it is really back.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

Lesser celandine is a spring flower which shines in broad-leaved forests and on river banks – until midsummer it is lost, apart from the last remaining white, withered leaves.

Its splendid inflorescence is not just a burden for the species: it is attractive to the human eye and clergymen, farmers and the gentry have planted it in their yards to such an extent that it became a symbol of the better-off classes. Plants that were introduced to flowerbeds to provide some colour in the spring have spread to lawns and park-like nearby forests, where they would not have reached without human help.

As I am going to post mostly photos of me documenting the spring, here are two found yesterday. The bottom one I took because of the background of the photo.

MAY Squares #4

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has returned. I sadly thought so some time back, but now it appears that it is really back.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

Wood Anemone , When Mothers’ Day arrives in Finland at the beginning of May, the broad-leaved forest floors in the south of the country are a sea of wood anemones as nature comes back to life in all her glory. The time when the anemones flower is called the ‘spring aspect’ of the forest, meaning the time when tree leaves don’t yet cast a shadow on the forest floor. 

As I am going to post mostly photos of me documenting the spring, here are two found yesterday. The bottom one I took because of the background of the photo.

MAY Squares #3

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has returned. I sadly thought so some time back, but now it appears that it is really back.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

As I am going to post mostly photos of me documenting the spring, here are two found yesterday. The bottom one I took because of the background of the photo.

MAY Squares #2

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has returned. I sadly thought so some time back, but now it appears that it is really back.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

MAY Squares #1

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has returned. I sadly thought so some time back, but now it appears that it is really back.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

freezing time in dew-kissed splendor

In the quiet dawn, dew-kissed leaves awaken. Each droplet, a crystal globe, clings to the verdant tapestry of life.

    Whispers of renewal, as morning breath stirs the air.

    Hold on, even when gravity tugs. Reflect, for within each drop lies a universe.

    In the quiet dawn, dew-kissed leaves awaken. Each droplet, a crystal globe, clings to the verdant tapestry of life.

    Within these glistening orbs, secrets unfold, And so they linger, these liquid gems, In this delicate dance, they teach us, an ethereal moment, freezing time in dew-kissed splendor. 

    CFFC:  Things that are Wet

    delicate blooms

    We had a few days of spring, so I took advantage of the opportunity to capture the mandatory photos of snowbells. As one of the first flowers of spring, they symbolize new beginnings, hope, rebirth, and the ability to overcome challenges. The sight of these delicate blooms filled me with hope and positivity.

    Snowbells in April

    However, nature had a surprise in store for us – a fresh coat of snow arrived just two days ago. Despite the unexpected turn of events, I seized the opportunity to capture the enchanting snow-covered landscape. It’s fascinating how the same scene can take on a different, yet equally captivating, appearance with a layer of snow.

    As I’m writing this, a snow blizzard rages outside. While witnessing a snow blizzard at this time of year wasn’t what I had in mind, it’s a poignant reminder of nature’s unpredictability and the beauty it holds, even in the midst of unexpected circumstances.

    Posted for Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge

    Hydrangea Edits

    The delicate beauty of hydrangea petals as they slowly deteriorate during the winter months is truly captivating. The intricate lace-like patterns that emerge from this natural process are a testament to the mesmerizing transformation that nature undergoes throughout the seasons. It’s truly remarkable how something as fleeting as the delicate decay of flower petals can create such a stunning visual display.

    I love trying to bring it out details in my edits. If you are not familiar me as a photographer, I love the editing process. The framing of the subject and capturing the mood and details. Mostly, I do my best to stay true to the subject, just to enhance it a bit. Sometimes, well quite often I take artistic liberty when editing. I often convert the images to black and white as I find it it brings the essential part to focus. Or I play with the tone of the photos. Both styles shown in this post.

    The last two images are true to what I saw. The last image is the original RAW shot, no edits. Above it is a a cropped and slightly edited version and on the top you see how I played with the image.

    Posted for Cee’s Flower of the Day

    Sunlit moss creates enchanting forest ambiance.

    Sunlit moss creates enchanting forest ambiance.

    For Debbie’s Six Word Saturday

    Flower a day – Deep Purple

    Flower of the day

    I got a lovely bouquet from my husband and it had so many flowers in it, and I could name few, but some were just pretty flowers without a name tag to me, and well, that’s my approach to flowers anyways, if they are pretty it is good enough for me.

    No facts this time either

    Posted for Cee’s Flower of the Day

    Flower a day – Pink is the color


    I think this is a pink carnation, I am not all that good with flower names.

    I got a lovely bouquet from my husband and it had so many flowers in it, and I could name few, but some were just pretty flowers without a name tag to me, and well, that’s my approach to flowers anyways, if they are pretty it is good enough for me.

    No facts this time

    Posted for Cee’s Flower of the Day

    Flower a day – Hydrangea

    Hydrangea macrophylla

    The Japanese are famous for their mesmerizing gardens and revolving stories around their flowers. The hydrangea is no exception: legend has it that a Japanese emperor gifted blue hydrangeas to the family of a girl he loved to make up for neglecting her.

    I got a lovely bouquet from a friend and the main flowers was this colorful hydrangea. Loved the details and colors of the pedals. It’s said that including hydrangeas in flower arrangements invites good fortune into one’s home. Purple hydrangeas are said to be particularly lucky as they symbolize abundance and prosperity.

    Some facts

    For one type known as bigleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla), you can change the color of their flowers by adjusting the soil pH with soil amendments. The more acidic the soil, the bluer your hydrangeas will turn out. The more alkaline, the pinker your hydrangeas will be.

    The hydrangea represents gratitude, grace and beauty. It also radiates abundance because of the lavish number of flowers and the generous round shape. Its colors symbolize love, harmony and peace..

    Hydrangeas don’t have petals.

    Those beautiful petals aren’t petals at all. They are sepals, which are leaves that protect the flower bud. Only after they age do they turn from green to the pigmented colors you see.

    Posted for Cee’s  Flower of the Day.

    Lens-Artists Photography Challenge #241– Spring

    Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #241 – Spring

    This week Sofia invites us to show you what Spring means to us. Is it about new beginnings, Nature reborn or a new chance to go and enjoy the outdoors? 

    This is a no brainer, I mean, obviously it is about light. Me and so many other when the spring begins to show first signs of more light the constant marvel of it… we do, every year as if this was something unexpected. The joy of it is so awesome, it wakes us up from the winter hibernation, we slowly come put of houses.

    When does spring start? In 2023, the official first day of spring is Monday, March 20. This date marks the “spring equinox” in the Northern Hemisphere. That is today!

    ( Is the spring equinox the same as spring solstice? Equinox vs Solstice
    An equinox occurs at the start of the spring and fall. The solstice occurs during the summer and the winter. Occurs on March 21 (Vernal equinox) and on September 23 (Autumnal equinox).

    No matter where you are on Earth, the equinox brings us a number of seasonal effects, noticeable to nature lovers around the globe. At the equinox, Earth’s two hemispheres are receiving the sun’s rays equally. Night and day are often said to be equal in length. 

    The fastest sunsets and sunrises of the year happen at this time. We’re talking here about the length of time it takes for the whole sun to sink below the horizon. Sunset or sunrise you have to be quick to act, if you wait long enough you will only see tail end of it.

    First you notice is the snow and ice melting.The fields with the soil coming visible and mornings of mist. Everything is brown. Only moss glows green. The lakes and sea is been freed from under the ice.

    Everywhere! Forget about the weather for a moment, and think only about daylight. In terms of daylight, the knowledge that spring is here – and summer is coming – permeates all of nature on the northern half of Earth’s globe.

    Notice the arc of the sun across the sky each day. You’ll find that it’s shifting toward the north. Responding to the change in daylight, birds and butterflies are migrating back northward, too, along with the path of the sun.

    The longer days do bring with them warmer weather. People are leaving their winter coats at home. eople are raking the leaves from their yards. Trees are budding, and plants are beginning a new cycle of growth. In many places, spring flowers are beginning to bloom.

    new fresh green – not visible here yet, but it is a sign of the glorious days of spring finaly here.

    Spring is full of hope, l ight, beauty and blooming of nature. One of the best of season’s

    #Lens-Artists #Lens-Artists Challange

    Lens-Artists Photography Challenge #240 – The road taken

    Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #240 – The Road (most often) Taken.

    John from Journeys with Johnbo is hosting this week, this week’s theme is metaphoric–and not about a physical road. For this week’s challenge, I want you to think of your favorite type or style of photography as the road you’ve chosen to take most often.

    I got my first own camera in my late teens. I took photos of friends and family and photos when traveling. Safe to say there are not that many photos from back then, film was expensive as was the development, and you never knew how they turned out until you got the envelope back.

    When I got my kids, well I took tons of pictures of them, here I found few from the archives that I have scanned. So safe to say, I am a people photographer from the beginning. I must say, I have improved a lot, even if I say so myself over the years. I love taking photos of people trying to capture something real, and try to find the beauty we all have in ourselves, fing the best angle to get a the essence of what I see. Now I photograph my grandkids and my husband is often in my photos if I need to get a heasshot for some challenge.

    Eventually when I got my first good camera I started taking photos of nature, photos from our travels. Then I got a new macro lens – then details. I learned to edit my photos and that made my photos get better, me being able to highlight more what I what to showcase in the photo.

    I have mixed some of my early on photos with some newest ones. Basically I take photos of what ever I fancy, anything that catches my eye, that I find intersting I take photos of.

    I have to say that hiking to place that are far and through difficult tracks is not my thing. Even though I admire the beautiful photos other have captured from these place. I look for topic near me 🙂

    #Lens-Artists #Lens-Artists Challange

    Lens Artists Challenge #226 – Textures

    This is my third week in participating in this challenge. I have to say, there has been beautiful posts about the chosen topics tthese past weeks, I have found new blogs to follow and it has given me inspiration and intoduced me to new places and ways to look at photos. But to the topic at hand…

    Jude from Cornwall in Colours hosts this weeks LAPC #226 – Textures.

    She wrote; Texture is one method of bringing life to your photos. While the structure of an object is its form, the material from which it is made constitutes its texture You are aiming at translating texture visually, bringing life and energy to a photo through shape, tone and colour.

    I have done macro photography for some time and capturing texture is one of the aspects of it. Hope you enjoy my findings in the world of textures, I am also going to post my findings from nature and the nature’s produces, fruits and vegetables plus some spices,

    Texture adds variety and visual stimulus to the surface of a photograph. There is a better chance of getting an exciting photograph from a laboured study with texture than from a smooth clarity without it.

    Posted for Jude’s Lens-Artists Challenge

    How to survive November 2021 Day 19

    Well, I will be straight with this as this post contains ja small fib. I took these photos earlier this fall, not yesterday or today.

    But, my excuse is, I did edit them yesterday, that a way they are new. Right?

    day and night

    Our favorite month, November! This year we’ll get rid of gray by painting the month in green. Lepis from Parallel lines has hosted this challenge for years, I have been part of it for several years too, feel free to join us 🙂

    Open your world to a green November and enjoy your creativity. How you do it is free as long as it’s green!

    How to survive November 2021 Day 18

    I could not do green November without having a peek what my backyard has to offer. Even at this time of year, green is trying its best to pop up.

    Our favorite month, November! This year we’ll get rid of gray by painting the month in green. Lepis from Parallel lines has hosted this challenge for years, I have been part of it for several years too, feel free to join us 🙂

    Open your world to a green November and enjoy your creativity. How you do it is free as long as it’s green!

    Looks also promising …

    For wood strawberries

    While at the countryside I noticed that it looks positive for the berries in the autumn. We can look forward to lots of blueberries and lingonberries or cowberries. Wood strawberries are looking good too.. I did have my camera with me so I did take photos. Here are some of my weekend pics of blueberries

    Looks promising …&

    For cowberries

    While at the countryside I noticed that it looks positive for the berries in the autumn. We can look forward to lots of blueberries and lingonberries or cowberries. Wood strawberries are looking good too.. I did have my camera with me so I did take photos. Here are some of my weekend pics of blueberries

    Looks promising …

    Spent on long weekend with not laptop and I was too lazy to post anything with my phone. I am in for a life change for a while, I’m starting a full time job tomorrow, but it is a fixed term contract so this joy won’t last for long, but it is what it is. The only downside is I will be that I will be working all through summer, no holiday day to enjoy the best season ( my opinion, I’m a summer person) in Finland.

    For Blueberries

    While at the countryside I noticed that it looks positive for the berries in the autumn. We can look forward to lots of blueberries and lingonberries or cowberries. Wood strawberries are looking good too.. I did have my camera with me so I did take photos. Here are some of my weekend pics of blueberries