MAY Squares #13

 Becky’s Square challenge,has me mostly documenting the arrival of spring, but who knows I might surprise you with something different too, but not today.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

Spring flowers, that’s it.

11 thoughts on “MAY Squares #13

  1. What is the white flowering plant?

    A single white flower shape is the same as a blueberry, but those bundles of white shapes mystify me. I’ve never seen them before. Well, not in Australia anyway.

    Is it a white form of grape hyacinth?

      1. Thanks, Ritva.

        That is one of the few times I’ve identified a plant by the flower shape on another country’s blog or website.

        Maybe they’re available in some plant nursery stores here in Australia, but I’v never seen them for sale.

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