MAY Squares #13

Becky’s Squares has me mostly documenting the arrival of spring, but who knows I might surprise you with something different too, but not today.

I have been busy, the amount of energy it takes to learn is amazing – I am just not ready to sit by the computer at home after having been on it for 8 hour in the office. But I so love this blogging community that I’m trying to keep up posting something here and there.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

Least gagea is the smallest lily that grows wild in Finland. Modest-sized least gagea blooms early in the spring while the land is damp, before other plants hide it from view. In Finland it is named after the cuckoo as it blooms when the first of these birds return, and they are in full bloom around Finnish Mothers’ Day, which falls on the second weekend of May. The flowers attract flower flies and beetles to pollinate it, but still it doesn’t produce many seeds.

Spring flowers, that’s it.

9 thoughts on “MAY Squares #13

  1. Love that last image in particular. It makes me feel as though I’m an insect on the ground making a path through the undergrowth.

    (and I know what you mean about being on the computer after an 8 hour working day on the computer). The good part about computer working hours at home are that they are about choosing to be on the computer at home, as opposed to having tasks at work which have to be done in any given day at work. Hope you’re enjoying your new job. 🙂

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