Lens-Artists Challenge #301 – Floral

Lens-Artists #301 – Floral hosted by Sofia wrote: I sincerely believe it to be difficult to have photo of a flower that is not beautiful. But for this challenge, I’d like us to think of how we either capture them or how we process the image afterwards.

First I would like to say all my photos for this post are from past week. Somehow it feels like this year we skipped spring all together, we got summer temperatures now and all the flowers are in bloom at the same time. Most of them I’ve taken with my mobile, because last week I felt the camera’s to the summer house in the belief that there would be nothing to photograph, I was wrong. Everything seemed to bloom overnight. and to the how I capture them – mostly close-ups.

I have now real angle this week, my mind is all overloaded with new things and NUMBERs – my least favorite thing .

First here is a look at one tulip. I took a these few days apart, from different directions and I did some editing with lightroom app on my mobile.

The apple tree blossoms beautifully just few days ago and now the really warm weather , not at all normal at this time of the year has wilted them.

random flowers-

Last week Ann-Christine challenged us with the Delicate things, her recent travels to Japan gave us wonderful inspiration. I loved all your examples and how varied they were. This is what makes these challenges so interesting, we all think in different ways and that makes us grow as photographers.

Next week is John’s turn to lead, so please visit his unique site to see what he’s up to, I am sure looking forward to it.

If you want more information on the Lens-Artist Challenge, please click here.

33 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Challenge #301 – Floral

  1. Well, these are beautiful . And if they’re barely -considered responses to the explosion of summer before your eyes, even more so!

  2. What beautiful signs of Spring. Well worth taking the time to photograph.

    Your images really brighten my day (as tomorrow in Melbourne the good weather ends and some serious rain and chilly temperatures start).

  3. It doesn’t seem fair that there could be too much warm and wilt them. You wait so long for it. Hopefully they will recover, they sure look pretty in your photos. Loving the curly ferns too.

      1. It’s often like that here. We’re up 31C in the afternoon and that’s hot for this time of year. The fields are very dry.

  4. Beautiful post, Ritva. I liked that you did explore the tulip and I loved the monochromes of it, stunning. It has been a difficult year for my flowers too, most of my bulbs came to nothing… but my roses just exploded this past week. It’s still cold for the time of the year 😦

  5. How glorious it must be to see everything blooming at once Ritva! Who needs a camera when your phone images are as beautiful as these. A wonderful post!

  6. Beautiful flowers amd your phone has captured them so well that I would never have guessed you’d left your camera behind!

  7. Beautiful, Ritva. All of them. Love it that your set is almost only white and green – with a tiny nod at pink. We also have those temperatures and the flowers are gone in a short time only. Wonder how summer will treat us, when the real sommer comes along…

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