Lens-Artists Challenge #296 Abstracts

Explore – that is the key to this topic in my opinion. It’s fun, believe me, it can be fun. I am not in my element in this type of photography, it is a challenge to me as well. Sometimes we need to explore and expand to create something new. I am looking forward to see the inspiration you can give me for my future abstract photos.

Abstract photography breaks the normal rules of realism. It turns everyday scenes, objects, or textures into visual poetry, inviting viewers to see beyond the surface. It plays with light and shadow, blurring reality and using vibrant colors. Abstract images evoke emotions, spark curiosity, and challenge our perception. It is a genre of photography that focuses on the shapes, colors, textures, and patterns of the subject, rather than its literal representation.

Start with finding a new vantage point and look for interesting shapes and lines in your surroundings.

Get in close to your subject and capture the details that are usually overlooked.

Shoot from above and create abstract patterns from the landscape or the cityscape. Use architecture as your subject and look for geometric shapes, curves, patterns, and contrasts. You can also use perspective, framing, or cropping to create abstract compositions.

Use water, glass, or metal surfaces to create abstract images. You can also distort or manipulate the reflections by using ripples, bubbles, or angles.

Golden moment

Wait for the light to create interesting shadow patterns and use them to enhance your composition. Try a creative technique (such as intentional camera movement) and experiment with different shutter speeds, apertures, and focal lengths to create motion blur, zoom blur, or tilt-shift effects. Use a source of light and paint with light in a dark environment. You can also move your camera while shooting a stable source of light to create light trails.

Create bokeh by using a wide aperture and focusing on a point close to your lens. You can also use a filter or a cut-out shape to create custom bokeh shapes.

Use smoke or dye in water to create elegant and dynamic forms. You can also add some lighting or color effects to enhance the mood.

Use high-speed water drops as your subject and capture the moment when they collide, splash, or bounce. You can also use different liquids, colors, or backgrounds to create variety.

A bit of mystery

I hope these ideas inspire you to create some amazing abstract photos.

Abstract Lens

In shimmering silver, warm sepia, and radiant gold, the lens captures enchanting tales. A silent storyteller behind the glass unveils secrets of the past and present. The dancing light illuminates people. Within the interplay of shadows and light, stories are intricately woven. Each click captures frozen whispers, rhythm, and rhyme, echoing the passage of time.

A moment’s pause, a breath of grace – within frames, life’s exquisite beauty finds its rightful place. Images speak volumes beyond words, offering unique narratives for the discerning eye. Preserver of memories, guardian of time, capturing eternal glimpses of fleeting days.

Last week Donna’s wonderful post invited us to go all rocky, and what beautiful places we got to visit. Next week Egídio is hosting, I am sure his theme and beautiful photography will once again give us wonderful inspiration.

Until then, keep smiling ☺


To participate in this challenge, you should link to or leave a comment on the week’s host’s original challenge post and please use the #Lens-Artists tag in your own post, so the post is easily found in the Reader.

And if you want even more information on the Lens-Artists Challenge, please click here.