Lens-Artists Challenge #298: to be young again

As we delve into the intriguing theme of childhood, we must acknowledge the profound impact it has on shaping our perspectives and aspirations. Childhood represents a time of innocence and wonder, where the world is viewed through untainted eyes, brimming with limitless possibilities. Tina invites us this week to share our photos of children–from our family, our neighbors or friends, or simply children that we’ve seen when we’re out with our cameras.

Whether through the mischievous laughter of siblings or the spontaneous antics of neighborhood friends, the presence of children infuses our lives with a vibrant energy that is both heartwarming and thought-provoking. Embracing the sentiment of the title, the yearning to relive certain aspects of youth is undeniable, yet it is accompanied by the wisdom and contentment that comes with adulthood. Reflecting on the simplicity of childhood, it becomes evident that finding joy in life’s modest pleasures can indeed lead to a fulfilling existence.

All photos in the galleries can be enlarged with a click.

As I delved into the older archives, I uncovered a treasure trove of cherished memories encapsulated within the timeless images of my boys in their youth. The nostalgia that emanates from these photographs has the power to transport me back in time, evoking a sense of warmth and sentimentality. Each image offers a glimpse into the past, capturing the essence of a bygone era and immortalizing fleeting moments that hold profound significance. These timeless snapshots are more than mere photographs; they are windows to the past, allowing me to reconnect with the essence of my own past and the cherished stories that have shaped my life.

The anticipation of welcoming a new addition to the family is a truly joyous occasion. The prospect of another grandchild, a baby boy no less, brings with it a sense of excitement and celebration. I am looking forward to the happiness of a new family member as the energetic presence of three grandsons is set to be complemented by the arrival of a fourth. The bond between siblings and cousins is such a precious thing, and it’s heartwarming to see the family growing with each new arrival. These shots are taken by a proud grandma 🙂

While I’m inclined towards landscape and cityscape photography when traveling, I also find joy in photographing people, especially the little ones. Children have an unparalleled ability to exude authenticity through their expressions, and this is what draws me to capture their real emotions in my photographs. I strive to immortalize their genuine expression, curiosity, and wonder without resorting to posed or contrived smiles. It’s these honest and candid moments that truly encapsulate the pure spirit of childhood, and I cherish the opportunity to freeze these fleeting instances in time.

The experience of enjoying music and photos inspired by music is a truly special one. It’s fascinating how these art forms can intertwine, evoking emotions and memories in a way that few other things can. The combinations and associations between music and visuals can create a truly captivating experience for the audience. Music, in particular, has an incredible power to evoke memories, transporting us back to specific moments in time. Whether it’s a song that played during a significant life event or an album that brings back nostalgic feelings, music has the ability to connect us to our past in a unique way. Furthermore, it also has the remarkable ability to inspire us to create new memories and experiences. Thank you Egídio for a great challenge.

Next week is Patti’s turn to host. Please visit her site Saturday 11th May for more information on the challenge, I am sure she will once agains surprise us with something inspirational.

Until then, keep smiling ☺

To participate in this challenge, you should link to or leave a comment on the week’s host’s original challenge post and please use the #Lens-Artists tag in your own post, so the post is easily found in the Reader.

And if you want even more information on the Lens-Artists Challenge,  please click here.

Lens-Artists Challenge #297: Music to My Eyes

Egídio has a topic this week Music to My Eyes, my first thought was panic. Music, love it, inspired by it, absolutely. Do I remember what and when inspired me…not really, not so clearly.

He wrote; Do you use music as inspiration? YES A song’s mood or lyrics can spark ideas for a photoshoot’s theme or location. I AGREE Sometimes, it happens before you capture the image, and sometimes after. ABSOLUTELY Thus, this is my twist (pardon the pun) for this week’s lens-artists challenge. What is music to your eyes? CHECK BELOW

My music taste has changed over the years. It has evolved that is a fact. I am really drawn to artists like Etta James, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, and Nat King Cole. That style of music is so stylish – emotional, full of timeless classics and soulful tunes that resonate with me on a deep emotional level, takes me on a nostalgic journey, evoking powerful emotions and painting vivid pictures in my mind.

Well, a song shot is Stormy Weather by Etta James

I love the sea the power, the moodiness and strength of it. This is a song that always gets a strong reaction from me – I tear up nearly every time. I have shared this before in my Saturday Classic posts, but here I go again. Myrskyluodon Maija by composed by Lasse Mårtenson. I encourage you to listen to this even if you do not listen to any other song here.

I grew up in the disco era, but it is not in no way my favorite style of music, it has few really great hits and I just saw an document of the beginning of disco and the death of it as it became commercialized. How about some Post-disco funk celebration by Kool & the Gang after all that stormy weather.

I listen often from all era’s and from many genre’s. Each musical style carries its own unique essence and can evoke such a range of emotions. Country music has a profound way of storytelling, capturing life’s experiences through its heartfelt lyrics and melodies. Alternative music, on the other hand, offers a diverse landscape of sounds and themes, constantly pushing boundaries and defying conventions. I could list many singers that inspire me and are meaningful to me, but then I would not have room for photos and that is what we are looking for.

I have many singers who inspire and hold special meaning for me. The impact of music on our lives is immeasurable, and the artists who create it often become an integral part of our own personal narratives.

Speaking of photos, they have a unique power to capture and encapsulate memories, just like music does. Combining the visual and auditory arts can create a truly immersive experience, allowing us to relive moments and emotions in a tangible way.

Sunsets often bring up vivid association with songs, John Hiatt was a singer I listened to at one point of time. Lipstick sunset often comes to mind when I see pink sunsets.

Lipsticks sunset

Or you could sail away with me by David Gray

Summer Breeze by Seals & Crofts was playing in the back of my mind when I went through what photos I could post for this challenge.

I listened to this song and this is what I was able to create Near Light an instrumental Ambient Music piece by Ólafur Arnalds. I tried to match the captivating image that rose to my mind. I tried to evoke a sense of mystery and contemplation. The smoky, abstract background combined with the central figure I hope creates an atmosphere that feels both ethereal and introspective.

Once again, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who dedicated your time and energy to participate in my abstract challenge. Your contributions have truly enriched the experience, providing me with a wealth of ideas and inspiration. It’s truly fascinating to consider the diverse perspectives through which we perceive things: the unique lenses through which we view the world. Despite these differences, it’s amazing to recognize the common threads that bind us – the way that certain elements and experiences can ignite a spark of creativity and passion within us all.

Next week is Tina’s turn to host. Please visit her site Saturday 4th May for more information on the challenge I am sure she will once agains surprise us with something inspirational.

Until then, keep smiling ☺

To participate in this challenge, you should link to or leave a comment on the week’s host’s original challenge post and please use the #Lens-Artists tag in your own post, so the post is easily found in the Reader.

And if you want even more information on the Lens-Artists Challenge,  please click here.