appreciate the uniqueness of doors

Lately on Thursdays I have been posting photos of doors, since I started doing this I have discovered that I loads of them in my archives. Dan’s Thursday doors has given me a great reason to post them.

What is the fascination to take photos of doors, and I know I am not the only one. So I gave myself a t moment to think about it.

Door from Savannah and beautiful wrought iron stairs

Taking photos of doors has become a delightful pastime for many , myself included, and it’s fascinating how something as seemingly mundane as a door can capture our attention. I took so many door photos when we visited Savannah.

Is it the architectural beauty, as doors come in an array of styles, from grand wooden entrances to charming little garden gates, each door tells a unique story. Or is it capturing these details allows us to appreciate the beauty in everyday structures.

Door behind the branches in Savannah

Is it because doors symbolize transitions, opportunities, and boundaries. Do they evoke feelings of curiosity, wonder, and anticipation. We wonder what lies beyond that closed door, and our imaginations take flight.

I have noticed as I focus on framing the shot, adjusting angles, and noticing small details, I become fully present in the moment. It’s a form of meditation—a way to escape the noise of daily life and immerse ourselves in the visual world. The act of observing and capturing doors and it’s surroundings becomes a calming moment.

A house with a row of door behind the wrought iron work fence

The surroundings around the doors change with the seasons. Flowers bloom around them in spring, leaves fall in autumn, and snow blankets their thresholds in winter. Always something new to discover. Additionally, the play of light and shadow on doors varies throughout the day. A door that looks ordinary in the morning might appear enchanting during golden hour.

So, the next time you encounter a captivating door, take a moment to appreciate its uniqueness. Capture it with your camera, and perhaps you’ll discover a hidden world waiting to be explored—one door at a time!