Lens-Artists Challenge #303 – Connections

Connections, Donna wrote so beautifully about this topic and gave such great inspiration as how to approach the challenge, it gave ideas I could not have thought about.

It’s simple.

The connections we make to people, places, things and ideas, are what give purpose and meaning to our lives.

I have photographed this path – road so many times during the 28 summers we have spent here. I have an emotional connection to it. I love to watch how the light and shadows play on it during different times of the day and during different seasons depending on the sun level. It looks totally different in the summer versus autumn. But to the topic, I have a connection to it. I have spent so much time here I’ve watched my boys grow here and be connected to this place, we have moved several times , but our summer place is a constant. We have with our own hands refurbished and built to what it is now our own getaway.

As a child, we lived by the sea. I wandered through forest to be at the seaside, my bare feet sinking into dew-kissed grass on the way. The forest whispered secrets—how to listen, how to observe. I learned the language of birds—their melodies echoing through the canopy of trees. The scent of pine needles and damp earth seeped into my skin, becoming a part of me. The forest next to the sea has its own distinctive scent, I can still remember it.

Spring unfurled delicate blossoms, and I danced with dandelions, their seeds carried away by the wind. Summer brought lovely shades of green, flowers of many colors and light, warm nights. The wonder of light filled nights surprises me every year. You know they come but you are still amazed. Autumn was a symphony of crunching leaves, bright colors, musky scent and soft tones that comes with low light. I am not going to touch winter , I grant you that it can be beautiful, a big but, I do not feel no connection to it. I am connected to my homeland, my roots are here.

Animals and people, the connection so important so comforting, and it unconditional. The comfort of a cat purr at your touch, dog looking at you with trusting eyes, the loyalty of the constant companionship. Animals have an innate ability to understand our emotions, connect with us on a spiritual level, and offer us healing when we need it most. They remind us that we are all connected and to be mindful of our relationship with the natural world.

I am not going to touch the topic of family… too much to say about that. But it is obviously one of the most important connections we have in good and bad. We all have our own story …

Last week we stepped out of reality with John’s challenge, AI. There is always room to learn something new, and John sure gifted us that opportunity, though I was rather reluctant to do so. I am already working on next week’s challenge, you will see what I come up with  by checking my blog. Join me Saturday 12:00 EST to find the next challenge.

Interested in knowing more about the Lens-Artists challenge? Click here for more information.

31 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Challenge #303 – Connections

  1. Marvellous heartfelt post, Ritva! A very clear to see emotional connection to your home region 😊

  2. Every word, every photo and every emotion touches the soul in this post, Ritva. Yes, it is often the memories of a place that bring us the connection. Children growing up, and the work you put into your summer home to make it truly yours- connections. I love the sentence: “The forest whispered secrets—how to listen, how to observe.” You do that so well. It is always impossible to pick a favorite photo from your galleries, and I don’t ever feel like I have too, but today the sweetness of the boy with the puppy speaks of that unconditional love. Fantastic. and heartfelt, as Sue below mentioned.

  3. Oh my Ritva, your attachment and connection of this place came through your narrative and images. How wonderful to have the memories that touch you so deeply. I hope you and your family make many more.

  4. A beautiful post. You are so lucky to have such wonderful memories of the past and your homeland.

    I rather envy that.

    I’ve travelled and moved apartments so many times, I can’t quite remember exactly where my real home is anymore.

  5. Beautifully written and illustrated, Ritva! I completely understand that one special place, as I have one too which, unfortunately, I won’t be able to visit this summer for only the third time since my parents bought the cabin while I was in college. It makes me happy to know you have a place like that and I think I’d feel as you do about your special spot. ❤

  6. Ritva, your writing was clear and full of emotion. Those places show their true connection with you. It was a beautiful read from start to finish. The photos also expressed the emotions those connections bring to your life. I loved the post and images.

  7. Absolutely beautiful, Ritva! I connected with all of the nature photos and your memories. Sometimes when I think about a nature experience I’ve had, I can almost feel it and hear it. It can be so vivid! …that is why I LOVE photos! They just take me back…

  8. Perfection, Ritva. Your thoughts, your photos bring all that deep connection to us. Thank you for sharing, I absolutely loved it.

  9. You’ve captured your own connection to places perfectly! Your summer home looks beautiful, the light is magical 🙂

  10. A masterpiece this week Ritva. Your connection to all of the places captured is beautifully shown and easily felt to the reader

  11. How I loved your post, Ritva – you really made the love and connections to nature and your beautiful summer place shine. I think it must be my favourite post from all of your posts. Not only because I recognise myself in it, but for the way you expressed your feelings. ♥

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