MAY Squares #13

Becky’s Squares has me mostly documenting the arrival of spring, but who knows I might surprise you with something different too, but not today.

I have been busy, the amount of energy it takes to learn is amazing – I am just not ready to sit by the computer at home after having been on it for 8 hour in the office. But I so love this blogging community that I’m trying to keep up posting something here and there.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

Least gagea is the smallest lily that grows wild in Finland. Modest-sized least gagea blooms early in the spring while the land is damp, before other plants hide it from view. In Finland it is named after the cuckoo as it blooms when the first of these birds return, and they are in full bloom around Finnish Mothers’ Day, which falls on the second weekend of May. The flowers attract flower flies and beetles to pollinate it, but still it doesn’t produce many seeds.

Spring flowers, that’s it.

MAY Squares #13

 Becky’s Square challenge,has me mostly documenting the arrival of spring, but who knows I might surprise you with something different too, but not today.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

Spring flowers, that’s it.

MAY Squares #12

 Becky’s Square challenge,has me mostly documenting the arrival of spring, but who knows I might surprise you with something different too, but not today.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

The joy of May green

New green

MAY Squares #9

 Becky’s Square challenge,has me mostly documenting the arrival of spring, but who knows I might surprise you with something different too, but not today.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

wood sorrel

MAY Squares #8

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has a theme,  Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. 

I thought I would take another not so obvious choice, moving forward. they moved, stopped and moved forward in a circle. Sadly I only have these shots taken with my mobile and from rather long distance back, so they are not as crisp as I would prefer, but that’s life. Move one … 🙂

As I am going to post mostly photos of me documenting the spring, these are taken at early spring 🙂 in Australia.

MAY Squares #7

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has me mostly documenting the arrival of spring, but not today 🙂

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

When it comes to urban development, it’s a constant process in bustling cities. The skyline is often filled with cranes as new structures rise and old ones undergo renovations. It’s an ever-changing landscape, and the presence of construction cranes has almost become a symbol of progress and transformation. Even though the specific view may have changed over the years, the sight of cranes shaping the city’s skyline remains a familiar one. Helsinki reflects the continuous evolution and growth of the city, offering a blend of modernity and history for all of us to experience.


MAY Squares #6

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has me mostly documenting the arrival of spring, but who knows I might surprise you with something different too, but not today.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

Sadly after a warm and lovely week, and for the most part of it I have stayed outside – and am I glad I did, because the forecast for the coming week is so depressing – temperatures dropping by 10 degrees at least. Yesterday it was +19 C to day 9C.

We are going to our summer house for an extended weekend before I start work on next Monday and the forecast is not promising. This spring is just depressing, come on. Enough of this cold weather.

Maple tree buds.

MAY Squares #5

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has returned. I sadly thought so some time back, but now it appears that it is really back.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

Lesser celandine is a spring flower which shines in broad-leaved forests and on river banks – until midsummer it is lost, apart from the last remaining white, withered leaves.

Its splendid inflorescence is not just a burden for the species: it is attractive to the human eye and clergymen, farmers and the gentry have planted it in their yards to such an extent that it became a symbol of the better-off classes. Plants that were introduced to flowerbeds to provide some colour in the spring have spread to lawns and park-like nearby forests, where they would not have reached without human help.

As I am going to post mostly photos of me documenting the spring, here are two found yesterday. The bottom one I took because of the background of the photo.

MAY Squares #4

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has returned. I sadly thought so some time back, but now it appears that it is really back.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

Wood Anemone , When Mothers’ Day arrives in Finland at the beginning of May, the broad-leaved forest floors in the south of the country are a sea of wood anemones as nature comes back to life in all her glory. The time when the anemones flower is called the ‘spring aspect’ of the forest, meaning the time when tree leaves don’t yet cast a shadow on the forest floor. 

As I am going to post mostly photos of me documenting the spring, here are two found yesterday. The bottom one I took because of the background of the photo.

MAY Squares #3

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has returned. I sadly thought so some time back, but now it appears that it is really back.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

As I am going to post mostly photos of me documenting the spring, here are two found yesterday. The bottom one I took because of the background of the photo.

MAY Squares #2

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has returned. I sadly thought so some time back, but now it appears that it is really back.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea

MAY Squares #1

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has returned. I sadly thought so some time back, but now it appears that it is really back.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing. You get the idea