Lens-Artists Challenge #290 – Cirkular Wonders

What a beautiful cavalcade of photographs Ann- Christine presented us in her unique challenge this week. Circular wonders is something that does make your think first of moon, sun, and ball. No? But you can find it in unexpected places when you take a moment to think about it. Half or full circle …

I did some digging and this is what I found. To enlarge the images just click on any of them the the separate galleries – I recommend it 🙂

Now that I covered the obvious choices it is time to concentrate finding something more creative. Few days ago we took our grandkids at the end of their visit to the Helsinki train station and went to have lunch at one of the restaurants there. It used to be a ticket office. It is a big hall, but the interior is softened by circular interior.

Half circle is a log time hit in architecture . The images are from a jewel of national romantic architecture Hvitträsk museum in Espoo ( the darker photos) and the other two from Villa San Michele in Capri.

I did mentions a ball ⚽ Well come on, I could not, not mention fruits and berries.

And then round – circular things that came up and I couldn’t help myself – just had to post them

Thanks John for last week’s journey to the basics of photography. I truly enjoyed it, as it gave the opportunity to reflect on what is essential in photography. Next week we have Patti challenging us with something else, we will have to wait and see what she comes up with.

Street Photography – Old style public telephone box

While The Rocks is the site of Sydney’s oldest European settlement, there are attractions here that are also thoroughly contemporary. The Rocks, at the to bustling Circular Quay, here you can take in the charming, historic streets of this former convict settlement. And here I saw this old style public telephone box and a lady speaking on the phone next to it – a nice touch don’t you think ?

Circular Quay – The Rocks showing heritage elements like the red phone box
Red phone box at the Rocks in Sydney