Lens-Artists Challenge #299 Hopeful

What makes me hopeful? That is Patti‘s question. I’m glad she asked!

Here are a few thoughts and images.

The spring season is truly a time of hope and renewal, as nature comes alive with vibrant colors and fresh energy. There’s something truly magical about witnessing the world bloom after the quiet slumber of winter. The emergence of new, fresh greenery brings a sense of vitality and optimism, symbolizing new beginnings and growth. I really love this time of the year, a season full of hope.

One of the most delightful aspects of spring is the return of migratory birds, signaling the changing seasons and reconnecting us with the rhythms of the natural world. Their cheerful songs and graceful flights add an extra layer of beauty to the landscape. I am hopeless in recognizing different species, but past weekend there where so many geese and swans flying in flocks over our summer place – they are rather noisy and you can easily hear when they are approaching.

As the days grow longer and the temperatures rise, there’s a palpable sense of anticipation and excitement for the warmer days ahead and to feel the embrace of spring, filling our hearts with a renewed sense of adventure and possibility. This year the late arrival has been bit upsetting, but now I am hopeful.

And the light! Oh, the light in spring is truly a marvel to behold. The extended daylight hours bring so much joy, allowing us to bask in the golden glow of sunsets that linger well into the evening. The longer days also mean early sunrises, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange as the world awakens to a new day.

In fact, the sunsets around in the middle of May at 21:40 and the sunrise at 4:46 create a symphony of light and color that can only be experienced during this magical time of year. It’s a reminder of the beauty and majesty of the natural world, inspiring us to pause, reflect, and appreciate the fleeting yet wondrous moments that define the spring season.

When observing the vibrant energy and open-mindedness of children and young people, it instills a sense of hope for the future. My kids and grandkids keep me hopeful, their unwavering optimism and fresh outlook on life inspire a renewed belief in the potential for positive change and progress. Witnessing their curiosity, creativity, and resilience serves as a powerful reminder of the boundless possibilities that lie ahead. This hopeful perspective encourages an emphasis on nurturing and supporting the next generation, as they hold the key to shaping a brighter tomorrow.

On a more personal note, I have started a full time job and it is bound to take toll, and in a way already has the time and energy will mostly forward to learning the new job, but I will do my best to keep up with this challenge. I am hopeful that I will learn it 🙂

Tinka was so hopeful that she would get some food 🙂

Last week was full of memories and images of young ones, it was lovely to see the images full of candid and open expressions. no one really yearned to be young again, something to be said to required life experience. Thanks so much for this lovely challenge.

Next week is Ann- Christine’s turn to host. Please visit her site Saturday 18th May for more information on the challenge, I am sure she will once agains surprise us with something inspirational and truly beautiful images.

Until then, keep smiling ☺

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And if you want even more information on the Lens-Artists Challenge,  please click here.