Lens-Artists Challenge #293 – water motion

Water, the very essence of life, is rarely still. It flows, it crashes, it tumbles – a mesmerizing display of motion that has captivated humanity always. For this week’s Lens-Artists challenge, Sofia came up with this topic. Her post has beautiful inspiration to us all. I absolutely love the water element, she could not have chosen a more boundless topic for me.

 The ocean, Earth’s pulsating heart, breathes life into every corner of our existence. Its currents carry warmth and coolness, shaping climates and nurturing ecosystems. As we gaze upon its boundless blue, we sense eternity.. The oceans salty embrace cradles memories, dreams, and the promise of distant lands.

Also the sea, with its endless horizon. It cradles life within its depths. The salty air invigorates our senses, reminding us of our primordial connection to the vast expanse beyond. Standing on a rocky shore, waves crashing at our feet, we feel both insignificantly small and profoundly connected.

Rapids are a symphony of whitewater, a chaotic dance of water rushing over rocks and churning into frothy pools. Rapids are a playground for the adventurous, and experience the rush of nature’s power.

Waterfalls are nature’s grand displays of cascading beauty. A curtain of water plunges down a cliff face, mist rising like a mystical veil. The sound is a deep, resonant roar, a constant reminder of the force of gravity. Waterfalls leave you breathless, humbled by the sheer power and timeless elegance of water on the move.

 Lakes, nestled between mountains or hidden in forested valleys, mirror the sky’s moods. Their stillness invites contemplation. We watch ripples expand, carrying our thoughts across the water’s surface. In their quietude, lakes hold our reflections, revealing both our vulnerabilities and resilience. Still waters, their glassy surfaces reflect the world above—a mirror for our innermost musings. Here, we find solace. In the quietude, we glimpse eternity—the timeless dance of light and shadow.

From the rhythmic pulse of waves to the heart-pounding rush of rapids and the serene majesty of waterfalls, water in motion offers a mesmerizing spectacle for all. Whether you’re a beach bum, a whitewater enthusiast, or simply an admirer of nature’s beauty, there’s a form of water motion that will capture your imagination and leave you wanting more.

Last week Tina‘s challenge gave beautiful faces from around the world with so many emotions on display. I truly enjoyed seeing all these people in your posts. Next week John  will present us with a new challenge, looking forward to seeing what he came up with. Until then, keep smiling ☺

To participate in this challenge, you should link to or leave a comment on the week’s host’s original challenge post and please use the #Lens-Artists tag in your own post, so the post is easily found in the Reader.

And if you want even more information on the Lens-Artists Challenge, please click here.

49 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Challenge #293 – water motion

  1. I can see and hear the water tumbling and rushing in all the first shots. The calm of the second series brought me serenely back to earth.

  2. Mesmerizing indeed. Such a thorough and well thought out post Ritva. From the crashing sea, to the serenity you brought us with the waterfall, and quietude with the rivers. A delight!

  3. Your love for water, of any kind, is palpable. Every photo is poetry, superb the way you take us from the powerful sea to the calm of the lakes, Ritva.

  4. Your photo choices are beautiful. I have a hard time deciding whether I like the ocean photos, the waterfalls, or the peaceful lakes. They are all so beautiful.

  5. What a fabulous gallery, Ritva! It’s clear that water is your inspiration, your muse. A beautiful and poetic post!

  6. These are astoundingly beautiful galleries, Ritva. If I should have a favourite, it maybe would be the rapids – especially the winter one!

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