Lens-Artist Photo Challenge #282 – Dramatic

This week, Patti from is asking this question: what makes a photo dramatic? Maybe it is processed in black and white, or it has vivid colors. Maybe a person, place, or object is captured from a unique perspective or it is a macro shot.

I took this from the plane, the mountains make a dramatic scene behind the clouds.

The word “dramatic” holds immense significance for me – it encapsulates the sense of grandeur and intensity that is ever-present. It’s remarkable how the play of light in photographs can be so distinctive and impactful. In contrast, everyday life may not exude the same overt drama; seemingly mundane events can often hold hidden depths of emotion and sentiment beneath a tranquil facade. Being of Finn, I acknowledge that we may not be the most openly expressive people, yet our emotions are profoundly felt and deeply rooted.

These I took In Níce, France

For me, the sea stands as one of the most profoundly dramatic elements, alongside the ever-changing canvas of clouds. Nature, or rather the weather, serves as the catalyst for many of these breathtaking phenomena.

Furthermore, the architectural details has the potential to evoke a dramatic impact through the interplay of light, shadow, and contours.

This is detail of the roof Monte Carlo Casino. The interplay of dark skies and beautiful old architecture creates a mesmerizing contrast that captivates the senses. The looming presence of the dark skies serves as a backdrop, intensifying the timeless allure of the architectural marvels.

Skyline from Monte Carlo some years back.

“An event or circumstance sudden and striking,”

I sometimes capture documentary shots, sometimes I see people who are down on their luck. Even though I don’t know their stories, seeing these homeless men sitting on the streets of Las Vegas was truly a poignant and sad sight. They are not sharp images on purpose…

To participate in this challenge, you should link to or leave a comment on the week’s host’s original challenge post and please use the #Lens-Artists tag in your own post, so the post is easily found in the Reader.