How to survive November 2023 – 20

Today the sunrise was at 8:35 and sunset 15:42. Same as yesterday, sunny days are rare. So no bright skies today.

I was thinking what to post and for some twisted reason this popped into my mind – biting nails. But that’s not eating.

So instead , I am offering you today some peaches.

It is here a again the most cruel month of the year. It is dark and getting darker, and the same time as it is the challenge to post something edible every day of the month of November, I can do it, how about you? What to join us? There is a link below if you’re interested

November and its time to survive it. Theme for the How to Survive November is ‘Something to Eat’.

Lepis from Parallel Lines| in scale kindly hosts this survival once again. The InLinkz is at her blog, it’s at the right column. Let’s enjoy this November with marvelous flavors!


This month’s theme is peach, in my FB photography group. I struggled with it for a while since peaches where not available in the stores until recently – it was not their season 🙂 Well, anyways I found some peaches in the end and took photos of them. Feel free to comment, I am still on a constant learning curve.


I tried to create different moods, time periods (nostalgic) and obviously variations in compositions. I was not all that creative this time in that sense, but you cannot always succeed 🙂

Row of peaches