Lens Artists Challenge #278: Unique

This week Any wants us to showcase unique. What is unique.

My husband, my children and grandkids are unique to me. That is what first came to my mind. Life changing. One of a kind. I am not going to post photos of them, even thought that was the first thought.

The word unique has different meanings depending on the context.

  • being the only one of its kind
  • being without a like or equal
  • distinctively characteristic or peculiar
  • able to be distinguished from all others of its class or type

For example, a unique signature is the only one of its kind and cannot be copied by anyone else, see my header 😀 . A unique achievement is unparalleled and incomparable to any other. Things that are very remarkable or unusual. Sometimes, people use the word unique to describe themselves or their qualities. They may want to emphasize what makes them different from others, or what makes them stand out in a positive way.

Nothing what have I photographed is that unique, that is something I really think, i an sure someone else has capture them also, some better than me some less so, but in a a way they are unique none of them are totally the same. Here are my attempts of capturing something unique – to me.

Watching the waves , Each wave is unique every time, the movement, colors…so on. So yes here is a photo of waves.

Turquoise movement

Beauty is in everyone’s eyes, also, so is what we think is unique

California hosts the most unique trees , the redwoods. Redwood trees are some of the tallest and largest trees in the world. While there are three types of the trees in the world, sequoia and sequoiadendron are the type found in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Huge mountains, rugged foothills, deep canyons, vast caverns, and the world’s largest trees exemplify the diversity of landscapes, life, I was at awed by the nature in Sequoia

The art nature does… so unique. Beautiful details, every stone is different, frost on the glass, flowers pedals..

Why are we in a lookout for sunsets, because they are all unique. Glorious colors

I would like to think that my art is unique 🙂 Mixed media, statues, oil paintings and aquarelle are few mediums I have dappled with

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