Lens-Artist Photo Challenge #282 – Dramatic

This week, Patti from is asking this question: what makes a photo dramatic? Maybe it is processed in black and white, or it has vivid colors. Maybe a person, place, or object is captured from a unique perspective or it is a macro shot.

I took this from the plane, the mountains make a dramatic scene behind the clouds.

The word “dramatic” holds immense significance for me – it encapsulates the sense of grandeur and intensity that is ever-present. It’s remarkable how the play of light in photographs can be so distinctive and impactful. In contrast, everyday life may not exude the same overt drama; seemingly mundane events can often hold hidden depths of emotion and sentiment beneath a tranquil facade. Being of Finn, I acknowledge that we may not be the most openly expressive people, yet our emotions are profoundly felt and deeply rooted.

These I took In Níce, France

For me, the sea stands as one of the most profoundly dramatic elements, alongside the ever-changing canvas of clouds. Nature, or rather the weather, serves as the catalyst for many of these breathtaking phenomena.

Furthermore, the architectural details has the potential to evoke a dramatic impact through the interplay of light, shadow, and contours.

This is detail of the roof Monte Carlo Casino. The interplay of dark skies and beautiful old architecture creates a mesmerizing contrast that captivates the senses. The looming presence of the dark skies serves as a backdrop, intensifying the timeless allure of the architectural marvels.

Skyline from Monte Carlo some years back.

“An event or circumstance sudden and striking,”

I sometimes capture documentary shots, sometimes I see people who are down on their luck. Even though I don’t know their stories, seeing these homeless men sitting on the streets of Las Vegas was truly a poignant and sad sight. They are not sharp images on purpose…

To participate in this challenge, you should link to or leave a comment on the week’s host’s original challenge post and please use the #Lens-Artists tag in your own post, so the post is easily found in the Reader.

Lens-Artists Challenge #279: Magical

Lens-Artists Challenge #279: Magical Ann-Christine hosts the challenge this week. It brought focus to what really matters in life – magic moments. Rare – mostly. But they leave a lasting impression. I could post many of the previous challenge photos here too – unique and magical are so closely intertwined together .

Magical scent of spices at the market place in India

Magic has always captivated the human imagination. Whether portrayed as the ability to manipulate the elements, cast spells, or perform extraordinary feats, magic is often associated with the mysterious and the unknown. Magical traditions can be found in cultures around the world, each with their own unique beliefs and practices.

However, magic is not confined to the realm of fiction. In the real world, magic can also be seen as a metaphor for the wondrous and inexplicable. It represents the beauty of the natural world and the awe-inspiring phenomena that we sometimes struggle to comprehend. Whether it is a radiant sunset, a shimmering waterfall, or the birth of new life, these moments can often feel magical in their own right.

On a winter’s day the ray of light can seem magical.

Magic is a fascinating concept that holds different meanings and interpretations for each individual. It is shaped by our unique histories and life experiences, making it a subjective and personal phenomenon. What may seem like magic to one person might be commonplace for another.

The largest animal ever to exist on Earth, the magnificent and iconic blue whale, was previously hunted almost to the brink of extinction by commercial whaling activities and remains an endangered species today. The blue whales found in Sri Lankan waters, in the Northern Indian Ocean, are non-migratory and believed to be resident in these waters year-round

We were so lucky to see this magical sight at the coast of Sri Lanka. One rarely gets to see a blue whale so close. We were told to be quiet  and having listened to the captains orders;  the whale came to check out our boat.  It swam around us and under our boat, so we were able to see it so close –  It was impressive!

Our personal experiences contribute to our understanding of what is wondrous, extraordinary, or even inexplicable. For some, magic may be found in the intricate beauty of nature, while for others it might lie in the bonds of love and human connections.

The magic of Christmas for children

Ultimately, the notion of magic transcends any singular definition or explanation. It is a realm where imagination, wonder, and awe converge, offering a glimpse into the mysterious and extraordinary aspects of life that go beyond rational understanding.

I find magic mainly in nature, first flowers of spring, the new green, bird nests, summer colors, autumns tones and winters small details

Reading can open to the world to magical…. yes.

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