Lens-Artists Challenge #285 – Warm Colors

Last week, Sofia asked us to think about day and night for our weekly challenge. I found it fun to go through my archives to find matching photos.

This week, Egidio of, Through Brazilian Eyes, joins us for his first, official challenge with the Lens-Artists. Visit his site for inspiration and guidance on today’s challenge: Warm Colors.

This week Egídio asked; have you ever thought about your images’ impact on viewers based on your photos’ color schemes? Yes I have :-) He invites us to look at own photo catalog or capture new images showing how warm colors appear in our world and their emotional significance to us, also to share how your images made you feel when you captured them.

the warmth of the fire – in colors and feelings

Now to my thoughts on colors – warm colors – we all know them. BUT, to me me the yellow of the first flowers of spring it is not warm, it blends more to the blue. I know it is but – it is bright and refreshing against the new green that delights us. The coltsfoot ad dandelion are first ones to pop up you look for these pops of yellows, Globeflower blooms also in May, a brightfull joy of spring.

Towards the end of the summer the yellow deepens and to me that is a warm yellow, it blends more to red, I know I am splitting hairs here.

Warm reds and brown take over in the fall and a sense of lost comes with it. It does not demise the beauty of the warm colors of autumn is the festive season for warm colors. I joy for a photographer.

Browns – the end of autumn. Soft muted tones, that slowly shows the way to hibernation. Gets us ready for winter,

Now to the question, about how your images made you feel when you captured them. When I take a photo, I mainly focus on and pay attention to the composition, how to best show of what I see, . My main thoughts are did I get on the”film” what I saw. I want to bring beauty to a shot, no matter what the topic even if the topic itself is not that pleasant. I want to see the beauty around me, even a glimpse of it. Positivity… that’s what I want to see 🙂 and I have very warm thoughts about this little boy :-9

To participate in this challenge, you should link to or leave a comment on the week’s host’s original challenge post and please use the #Lens-Artists tag in your own post, so the post is easily found in the Reader.

29 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Challenge #285 – Warm Colors

  1. Isn’t he the most delightful child? How could you not smile back, Ritva? That’s a wonderful capture and I agree with your thinking on the seasons.

  2. Hi Ritva. I also agree with your thoughts on colors. Yellow isn’t always “warm” for me. But the oranges and reds and brown are perfects. Great gallery, Ritva. I especially adore that little boy in the golden field. So adorable!

  3. What a great shot of that little boy! And I loved seeing your colours move from the paler yellows through deep ones to orange and brown, just like the seasons.

  4. Ritva, your presentation was fantastic. I really liked that you took us through the warm colors season by season. That was a very creative approach, and it does not surprise me since it was coming from you. Your photos are, as always, so beautiful and well composed. You started with a beautiful fire image unlike no other I’ve seen. Closing the gallery with your grandson’s image was perfect. I absolutely loved all the nature photos, too. Autumn in Vols and the row of trees are probably my favorites in here, but it is a very tough choice to pick just a couple. Thanks for sharing such beautiful images.

  5. Oh my goodness. Every week I think “this” will be my favorite post and it gets better. I loved the way you walked us through the colors and how warm feels different as you go through the seasons. Fantastic photos, presentation, and of course your sweet grandson is the highlight at the end. I love our crackly first image, and the simplicity of the dandelion (in training for a wind kiss).

  6. Wonderful choices as always Ritva. I love the way to display your images. Do you use software other than WP to create them? Of course they wouldn’t matter if the images weren’t so amazing! Excellent post.

  7. Fabulous warm colors here! Love how you arranged the gallery by colors. The smile of the boy is so sweet.

  8. Stunning galleries as expected, Ritva. Your photography is so unique and always brings a surprise too. I love your grandson’s photo, so sweet.

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