Old buildings

I am still on vacation, but decided to do one quick post. I took these images yesterday at Taidekeskus Salmela in Mäntyharju, Finland. The have every summer have rather large art exhibitions located in several old buildings, we finally went this summer. The milieu was lovely. These are from that … I even by accident met the Tuomas Hoikkala who is a patron of arts and a saxophonist, If I’d known I would have asked; how about me… for next year 🙂

Enter the boathouse
Detail from a sauna

Pickings from a road trip

These are the only images I took that had something that connects them to this Fiskars Village, others are just things that caught my eye in the surroundings. You know, this and that.

This is a town we nearly every summer visit, so I have all the tourist shots from previous years. Then again I always seem to notice the same things that interest me. The the old buildings with the green windows and brickwalls. Reflections – that is the next post 🙂

walk continues

I love these crooked pine trees that the wind and weather has shaped.

the walk

As we arrived we had to walk through old woods, and rocky paths. As the wind mostly blows from the sea nearly all the trees lean towards inland. The first part of the walk is rather dark and this area has lots of fallen down spruce trees. They are left in the woods to decay as nature intended so the nature will continue to be as diverse as possible.