Street photography – sidewalk lights

The street lights are my stars
They make a warm wave on the wet black path
I sail along their bright trail
They keep me safe from the dark wrath

Walking down a path in the dark can be both exhilarating and unnerving. With each step, uncertainty lingers, as shadows dance and imagination runs wild. So, with a flicker of determination in our hearts, we step forward, embracing the mystery that lies ahead on the path in the dark.


It was Sunday again and it was sunny again, we went out of the house again. Lots of repeats! Last time we went to this place, it was on the Storvik side in the spring. Now in autumn we are on the more rocky side, in my opinion, at Kopparnäs. Lovely place, not crowded this time, families and couples strolling the seaside. In this post, I have photos from the forest and our walking campions, our two grandsons.

A Photo a Week Challenge: Summer Memories


This is the path to our summer-house for the past 19 years. One of the best moments every sunny day is breakfast and coffee outside on the patio. I see this view, watch the light play through the trees,watch the shadows move, listening to the birds, nature, When the kids were young, the silence, no fights coffee before they woke up …best moment of the day.

A Photo a Week Challenge: Summer Memories

Path in the forest