Monochrome – Rocks

Dawn hosts this week Monochrome Madness #2 this week and the topic is Rocks.

I took lead from Leanne’s post, here are my interpretation of the same place.

Thank you!

I am amazed, I really am!

It was way back (2016) when I was so happy to have 1000 followers and now slowly, but surely it is now 1700 followers. You have to come to follow me on your own accord, not due to my activity on commenting or following that many new bloggers, as I am rather bad at that. Thank you all for staying on with me all these years and for the new ones, THANK YOU SO MUCH for he follow! I do truly appreciate it, as I do not do this to gain followers, not really, but I appreciate you liking my recent ramblings and photos.

I remember that back in the days you took an apple to say thanks’, so here you are!


New Blog and Monthly Theme

Hi all,

it is nearly new year and I decided to make a bold move. I changed my theme here on WP – what do you think? My aim was to lessen the clutter and give the spotlight on my photos.

As you know I am not a writer, I don’t have that much to say at least I do not think that too many would be interested in my rambling style of writing. My writing reflects the clutter in my mind, hopping and popping from one thought to an other. So to get a something other than a mind flow kind of text from me here is a challenge. I reserve that to my work.  This is for my photos, the way I see the world through my lens.

As a hint of the coming month – I am once again picking a theme. I will be visiting friends in Florida in January, so my photos will be filled with sunshine and sights. I am posting some photos from my previous trip to begin with and when I get there, my uploads will all from my mobile as I an not going to carry my laptop with me – you know I will be on holiday.

Key West sunset-92.jpg
Lets see what I will find in my archives?

Lily of the valley

The  lily of the valley is in bloom even thought we are already in mid June. I love this delicate flower. I took several photos of it, here are few in monochrome.