Monochrome – emotions

The human face is a canvas of emotions, a tapestry weaved with the threads of life’s experiences. Whether it’s the radiant smile of joy, the furrowed brows of curiosity, or the heavy veil of sadness, every emotion leaves its mark on our visage, a silent symphony playing across our features.

And as we journey through life, we encounter moments where the weather itself becomes the artist, painting our emotions with the subtle hues of mist-draped mornings, the golden warmth of sunshine filtering through the woods, or the contemplative serenity of a view from a quiet room. Emotions are the colors that tinge our existence, infusing each day with the rich palette of human experience. But they also can be seen in monochrome images with the contrast and light enhancing the mood

This post is for Leanne’s Monochrome Madness prompted this week by MRS. CLAIRE GUTKNECHT. Visit both sites for beautiful monochrome images.

Monochrome – few of my favourites

I delved into my collection of photographs and found some of my all-time favorites monochrome images. The captivating essence of the sea is a recurring theme in most of these photos. However, amidst the sea-themed photos, there are two exceptional ones that stand out – “The wheels” and “The monk.” These images hold a different kind of allure, offering a unique perspective and adding depth to the collection.

There’s something about the sea and its surroundings that resonates deeply within me. The tranquil yet dynamic atmosphere, the soothing sound of the waves, and the rugged beauty of lighthouses never fail to captivate my heart. These elements have a way of inspiring a sense of adventure, peaceful introspection, and a profound connection with nature. It’s moments like these that remind me of the sheer beauty and wonder that surrounds us, urging me to capture them and hold onto their essence forever.

Monochrome Madness – Some of my all time favourites was what Leanne had on her blog, I thought I’d follow her lead.

Monochrome – Rocks

Dawn hosts this week Monochrome Madness #2 this week and the topic is Rocks.

I took lead from Leanne’s post, here are my interpretation of the same place.

Big and small tool

These bigger and smaller tools are from Verla’s Groundwood and Board Mill,  Finland’s first factory museum.

Verla was named a World Heritage site due to its status as a unique and culturally and historically significant example of an industrial settlement from the turn of the 20th century. 

 Cee’s Fun Foto Prompt – Any Kind of Tool.

Monochrome – Abstracts

Leanne’s post title, Something Abstract, gave me an idea…

How does this explanation strike you ? This image is a visual representation of the complexity and chaos of life. It shows how we are all connected by thin threads of fate, but also how we can get lost in the maze of choices and consequences. The image evokes a sense of mystery and wonder, as well as a feeling of isolation and confusion.


This image has been processed to create an abstract effect. A random noise function to create small dots and lines on the image. The result is a high-contrast image that resembles a tangled web of lines and dots.

Is this Abstract?

The beauty and fragility of nature. As if it is saying goodbye to the summer. The image is blurred, creating a dreamy and nostalgic effect.


Leanne’s Monochrome Madness

Monochrome – Flowers

Flowers in monochrome are a fascinating subject for photography, art, and design. They can create a dramatic contrast, a subtle elegance, or a mood of mystery. Monochromatic flowers can also inspire creative expressions.

Flowers in monochrome are not just black and white they have a spectrum of shades that reflect the light- they are not silent or dull. They capture the essence of shape and texture.


posted for Leanne’s Monochrome Madness

Monochrome – the new yost type writer

The Yost is a remarkable machine which was quite popular in the late nineteenth century. It can be recognized immediately by its distinctive design features: the typebars are housed in an enclosed black cylinder, and the double keyboard emerges from a forest of long key stems.

The first typewriter bearing the Yost name came out in 1887. Later understroke models include the New Yost (1889), No. 4 (1895), and No. 10 (1902). A bar sometimes appears over the O in the name “Yost” on the typewriter’s decals, probably to indicate that it should be pronounced as a long O.

Posted for Leanne’s Monochrome Madness

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #265 – Black and White and Monochrome

I’ve been into black and white photography for the longest time, so Anne Sandler’s challenge this week is really appreciated. Thanks, Anne! 

Is monochrome black and white? Is black and white monochrome? You may be surprised at the answer. I was after I did some research. Here’s what I found.

Black and white is the result of only using black or white and shades of. The shades of meaning grayscale.  Here are some black and white photographs.

I have always carried a torch for black and white photography 😂 I thought it went well with the header image .

Still life


Then, well portraits in black and white are my all time favorite thing to do

Monochrome photos contain variations of only one color and nothing else. Meaning, different shades of one color like blue, red, green, etc. Here are some of my examples.

colored monochrome

Remember to link to your post and use the Lens-Artists tag in the reader section. Thanks Anne, I love to create black and white images.

If you would like to participate weekly in our Lens-Artists Challenge, click here for more info. 

52 Frames, Week 5: Black And White!

Why does black and white photography so often grab our attention more? It’s because we have the ability to create STRONGER elements in our frame, by taking away much of the distraction that often comes with color. It’s simply less “things” for our brains to take in. But more than that, black and white will accentuate just that, so you can create more contrast and light/shadow play within your frame to tell a powerful story.


They evoke stronger emotions by paying greater attention to shadows, contrast and texture – three photographic elements that push good b/w images to become great ones. 

Here a photos I am considering as one of my shots for BW entry. What I am trying to bring to focus in these shots are natural, age positive, emotion. My husband is a good sport as he is always ready to pose.

Any suggestions, idea, what do you think, can you find the elements of a good black and white shot in these.

How to survive November 2020

It is here the dreariest moth of the year for me here in Northern hemisphere. The whole month is a constant loss of light. Gray. Depressing. I am taking on a theme for this month. Monochrome. Black and White photos all month. I am taking on a challenge of editing one old photos to my best ability to Black and White, plus one new photo a day, hey, you guessed it in Black and White. Do you you want to join me with this theme? If you wish to participate add your link here to LEPIS

This is the First of HTSN- 2020

Happy smile – portrait of a graduate

An old chest of drawers that is in my husbands office, we have several old side boards or bureaus or what ever you call them in our home. My husband lovers to restore them and we have more of them that we have places for them. It is his hobby. My hobby is art, paintings, sculpture and photography, for some reason they are also all around our house. I have placed my sculptures on the one that is in his office ,that I have not found proper places elsewhere, my four refugees and a woman with a book. Our wedding photo is there and so is my oldest sons wedding photo too, side by side. Continuance.

I was too lazy to go out into the grayness, this being the reason for this photo.

if you wish to participate add your link here to LEPIS

Study of tulip

I spent some time editing tulip images, there are only slight differences to this interpretations. The obvious one being some are black and white…other than that its about shades and light. Do you have a favorite

Landscape in Monochrome

What do you think of these images. I have not really done lots of landscapes in black and white. Cities, portraits, still life, in those I have thought it works beautifully. Now I have tried, I am rather happy how they turned out. I would not be sharing them if I wasn’t 🙂 .

Full moon, No? Yes? Sunset?
Longtail boat

CB&W – Signs

Signs are every where, mostly I do not take too much notice of them. These go in the theme what I’ve been posting on the blog lately. My trip to Las Vegas and California. I had to add one from the sign capital, Hong Kong. I have never seen so many signs on a street before.

MM 4-5: Hook

Weeks pass so quickly, here is my entry for MM 4-5: Monochrome Madness A HOOK.

Verla - Ritva Sillanmäki (17 of 42)

MM -3 -47 -Cafe

My entry to Monochrome Madness is this photo from Villa Rullud in Espoo, they have there a cafe that is open once a month on a Sunday.

Winter (48 of 100)

MM -3-46 –at the pier

My entry to Monochrome Madness is this photo from Naples Pier in Florida. Great back light outlines the silhouettes clearly.


MM 3- 32 -Stairs

lines-and-paterns-4Here is my this weeks entry to Monochrome Madness .I took a day trip to Estonia and this was taken when people were lining up to  leave the ship.

towards the light

Towards the light we bend