Archive finds ~ edition 1

From my archive i found these street photography shots and I’ve edited them to block and white. I think it gives them a more timeless, classic look. I also have color edits, o you have an opinion as to which works better in your opinion?

These were taken in Nicè France, hope you enjoy them. I like the children’s joy in them.

Kollaasi 219 (7/2020)

At this week shades of colours are found from chrysoliteI am having so much fun planning and doing these collages and at the same time going through my photo archives. Discovering photos I did not remember I’ve taken. Some are truly finds 🙂 So much for modesty! I did three just for the fun of it 🙂

Random July 11

I am going to continue with macro shots,  hope you enjoy the colorful bubbles. 

Random July 10

Shooting bubbles in a glass. I think the most trying thing to get right was the mixture of dishwasher and oil and obviously the amount of water. This is my first attempt, you might see more of these in the future.

Bubbles 10-10 (1 of 21)