A day at the museum

Here are some artworks from the collection exhibition; A Question of Time reflects on the major questions of our time through art. The exhibition also offers fresh perspectives into Finland’s oldest and most extensive art collection and how it was built.

each gallery can be opened separately and click the image’s to see them larger

WEDNESDAY at an Art Exhibition

These are photos from my art exhibition.Some of my Black and White photographs, Photo-collages and paintings are there to be viewed. These are not the best of pictures, but they give an overview of the exhibition.
BOY#2 (2 of 102)

Weekly Photo challenge – The Daily Post – Work of Art

Art” isn’t just paintings and sculptures, it can be anything in which we find beauty and meaning — even food. Show us a thing, place, or person that’s a work of art to you.

Art is in the eyes of the beholder, flowers, nature are art in its self. Churches are full of art, in an outside. Landmarks, statues, paintings, everyday cutlery can be art. Jewels….

Here are few I have captured

Click the photos to enlarge them. More at: The  Daily Post Photo Challenges




Värikollaasi 110

Värikollaasi 110

I found it hard to find this color, so here are some I tried, first is a picture of one of my paintings, the second is my neighbors dog,  last one is a stamp collection

Oyester grey Continue reading “Värikollaasi 110”