Weekly Photo challenge – The Daily Post – Twisted

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“Twist” is filthy with meaning: it’s the unexpected, it’s surprise, it’s even an amazing ice cream choice. What does “twist” mean to you?

The first tree are twisted…others are suprises and in an other post

Click the photos to enlarge them. More at: The  Daily Post Photo Challenges




Weekly Photo challenge – The Daily Post – Work of Art

Art” isn’t just paintings and sculptures, it can be anything in which we find beauty and meaning — even food. Show us a thing, place, or person that’s a work of art to you.

Art is in the eyes of the beholder, flowers, nature are art in its self. Churches are full of art, in an outside. Landmarks, statues, paintings, everyday cutlery can be art. Jewels….

Here are few I have captured

Click the photos to enlarge them. More at: The  Daily Post Photo Challenges




Black & White: Sculptures, Statues, Carvings

I have taken many statue pictures just this summer I should not post this many at the same time, it is not the best strategy for them to be seen, but here are few

Cee’s Black & White Challenge: Sculptures, Statues, Carvings

Memories from Firenze

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