Charleston – Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge,

Later in the afternoon we drove over another spectacular bridge, Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge, to Shem Rock in town of Mt. Pleasant. Had a late lunch at Tavern & Table by the creek and prepared ourselves for the sunset. We walked along the Shem Creek Boardwalk to catch the glorious sunset. I will post these photos in the nexrt post as this is already an overload of images.

The Arthur Ravenel Jnr Bridge was opened in 2005. The bridge, which stretches gracefully across the Cooper River. The bridge is the tallest structure in South Carolina and the longest stayed bridge in the area. It, connects the Mount Pleasant Towns to Charleston and was designed to withstand natural disasters like earthquakes, and hurricane winds, as well as incorporating two diamond-like concrete towers. With the sunset as a background the bridge looked great as did the sunset.


this month the #WordPrompt is Bridge, here is my contribution to the word.

The Bahia Honda Rail Bridge is a derelict railroad bridge in the lower Florida Keys connecting Bahia Honda Key with Spanish Harbor Key.

View of old and crumbling Bahia Honda bridge from the southern end, across the channel from Bahia Honda State Park. 

Old Bahia Honda Rail Bridge

The old bridge was originally built between 1905 and 1912 by Henry Flagler as part of the Overseas Railroad. The bridge was damaged during the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935.



In 1980, a new four-lane bridge was constructed just a few hundred yards north of the old bridge, replacing the old route. Two of the truss spans of the old bridge were later removed to allow boat traffic.


The original bridge still remains, though it has fallen into a state of disrepair and signs warning boats of falling debris.



Wednesday around the world – Vääksy

I visited as small town of Vääksy. The main attraction there is Vääksy channel  or also known as Vesijärvenkatu channel, it is located in Asikkala. The channel that connects the Vesijärvi lake to Päijänne lake. The  Vääksy channel is currently Finland’s busiest boating channel.The channel has only one seal. The water surface height difference of about three meters.  The channel is surrounded by the town of Vääksy.

The main photo is the bird pic, as I hardly ever am able get photos of them or presentable pics at l east.
vääksy- Ritva Sillanmäki (14 of 75)vääksy- Ritva Sillanmäki (20 of 75)

Pieni Lintu

A Word A Week Photograph Challenge – HIGH

High – compared to what… here are two photos from Paris, Eiffel Tower is they are quite high. Also the statue.
The mountains surrounding Hope Springs in B.C – quite high
This  Capilano Suspension Bridge is quite high. It also felt quite high when walking on the bridges roped to the high trees


Looking down to Vancouver – we were quite high…
A Word A Week Photograph Challenge – HIGH

Fort Langley B.C

Fort Langley, is a beautiful small town, in recent years, many of the village’s old buildings have been restored. The restorations, combined with its rural setting, access to the river and mountain vistas,  and the old Fort itself, make it a thriving tourist center. Outdoor recreation includes canoeing, fishing, hiking . The town has served as a filming location for commercials, TV shows and movies, with its striking yellow community hall usually featured prominently.

Fort Langley Fort Langley Fort Langley Fort Langley Fort Langley Fort Langley Fort Langley Fort Langley Fort Langley Fort Langley Cancouver, Stanley park-119 Fort Langley Cancouver, Stanley park-99 Fort Langley Fort Langley Fort Langley Cancouver, Stanley park-114 Cancouver, Stanley park-102 Fort Langley

From above Firenze

*von oben* – *from above*


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Khwae River Bridge – Thailand

Continue reading “Khwae River Bridge – Thailand”