Cellpic sunday – Whispers of Birch

I have to admit that lately I have been a lazy photographer, and most of the time I’ve taken photos with my mobile. I have two previous posts about the beauty of summer nights and these were taken the same night. I took these first, then went to get my camera to take better shots of the moon. The iPhone has a great camera, with a RAW option, and you can get great photos with it; even the zoom is okay. But you can also edit and crop the images as a way of enhancing it.

It’s amazing how much the technology in smartphones has advanced, allowing us to capture stunning images without the need for additional equipment. The convenience of having a powerful camera always at hand has certainly made me rely more on my mobile for photography. Despite its compact size, the iPhone truly delivers remarkable image quality, especially in low light conditions. The ability to edit and refine the pictures directly on the device further adds to the appeal of mobile photography, providing a convenient way to enhance the visual impact of the captured moments.

The color of the sky, clouds and mist set such a beautiful view, that I only slightly edited the contrast and light in Lightroom app – nature did the rest.

Cellpic Sunday

Whispers of Birch

Birch trees stand sentinel, white and tall, Their leaves a verdant canopy, a gentle sprawl. Mist weaves through their trunks, a spectral dance, As dusk paints the sky in hues of chance.

The evening cradles them in twilight’s hark. Silhouettes against the canvas of fading light, They sway, entwined, in nature’s quiet rite. And there, where fog and foliage converge, A sacred silence settles—a tranquil surge.

So let us linger here, beneath their boughs, Where time suspends, and dreams are allowed. In this ethereal embrace, we find our place, As birch and fog weave magic, leaving no trace.

Sunset is always a treat

Visit to the outhouse around 11 PM, the sun is setting, nothing spectacular, but always a joy to see colors in the sky. The spots on the window, just dirt. Plus, this is an unedited shot, something I rarely post. Live dangerously… 🙂

The header shows the colors at slightly different direction.

This is for Cellpic Sunday and Sunday Stills

Dandelion times 4

I took these dandelion shots yesterday and edited them on my phone using Lightroom John’s Cellpic Sunday

Dandelion 2
Dandelion 3
Dandelion 4

Totally destroyed clubhouse

John’s Cellpic Sunday

Today, our local youth clubhouse at our summer home village burned down. Nothing left, fortunately no lives were lost.

Fire destroys the building down to the ground
Such a sad thing, it was the heart of the village

Cellpic Sunday – at the rapid of Kumia

We drove to our summer house to start the season and stopped at Kumia mylly to see how high the water level was this spring- and it was high

Kumian mylly

Cellpic Sunday

Cellpic – a glass of cider

We went to have lunch and I decided to enjoy a cider while my husband chose a beer. We did also enjoy some good food 😂

For John’s Cellpic Sunday

Cellpic – moonlight

I was closing the blinds when I noticed the moon behind the clouds, the trees on the hill beautifully framed it. I had my mobile at hand as I was about to place it on the bedside table for my night time clock. As we all know everything is on that thing. This is the last photo I took last night for Cellpic Sunday , otherwise you might have gotten a shot of Tinka.

I am rather amazing how great shots you can get with the mobile phone even in the darkness.

I did go and get my camera, and these are the comparison shots. There is a slight difference to be noticed I think.

Moonlit night
night time in April

And as I’ve just done an abstract photo challenge – with a little handshake – this is what you get 🙂

Abstract 🙂

Cellpic Sunday

Once again it has been a slow week behind the camera, Tinka to the rescue. While I was doing my posts she came to me clearly wanting me to open the window so she could enjoy the fresh air. She was once again so cute, I just had to take a photo


Tinka the cat

This week, I captured only a few photos worthy of sharing with my mobile. Despite Tinka’s reluctance, she remains a pretty little cat always ready to pose. These are my submissions for Cellpic Sunday.

Spring day

Yesterday felt like the first day of spring, the temperature was about +9C the sun was out – shining bright and there was hardly any wind. I ended up sitting on the patio and watched the snow melt. It’s truly fascinating how the change in weather can bring about such a delightful shift in our surroundings. The gentle warmth of the sun, the gradual disappearance of snow, and the newfound opportunity to spend time outside can truly rejuvenate our spirits. It’s moments like these that make us appreciate the beauty of nature and the promise of new beginnings.

For Cellpic Sunday

I’m so cute

The process of selecting a subject for a weekly post can be somewhat unpredictable, and this particular week presented a unique challenge with fewer photo opportunities. However, in situations like these, it’s always helpful to have a reliable and beloved subject to feature, such as our charming and endearing little cat Tinka. Despite the limited number of photos taken, the warmth and affection that Tinka brings to our lives is always a worthy focus for CellPic Sunday.

I edited the images in Lightroom

Misty Saturday

I spent the day studying – doing graphic art – monotype. The day outside the window was foggy- a white or actually a grey blanket covering the view. I took these photos of foggy roads while on my way home.

Actually these images are very suitable for an inspiration for monotype technique. It is funny how much energy goes into this creative process of doing and learning. Mostly being disappointed in the outcome.

For John’s Cellpic Sunday

Walking in sunshine

These artists walking home over the ice, it caused many of us watcher’s missed heartbeats as there was open sea very close and undercurrents that might cause the ice to break.

Cellpic Sunday

Cellpic – Escalators

Spent few hours with a friend on Saturday, catching up and making the world a better place. At the same time I took these shots looking down to the escalator. But I could not resist editing few versions of it.

Posted for John’s Cellpic Sunday

Click if you wish to see bigger images.


On the road again. Lines and lanes leading us towards a beautiful sunset on the warm and wet Saturday here in Southern Finland.

For OneWordSunday and Cellpic Sunday

Sweet memories

I was trying to get shots with theme. Create a movie scene – and as I was at it very late in the challenge this was one idea. I did not end up using these, but since I took and edited them why not share them – I did take them and edit them on my mobile.

Last rays of light fell on to the bed, where the lonely lady had placed her loved childhood toys to rest on the pillows. I hoped to create a different mood by changing the colors and contrast and light. The last one is the most positive, the two first ones I wanted a to create a more sad and lonely mood to to them

Posted for John’s Cellpic Sunday

Summer is a state of mind

As stated summer is a state of mind and age is just a number.

Usually we are somewhere in warmer weather at this time of the year, away from the cold and dark winter, we usually fly to catch some sun, D- vitamins and new places to be refreshed and relaxed. And when we come you can already notice the increased light that is more visible in February.

Well you need the catch the rays where every you can. 😂

Cellpic Sunday

it’s just me

Trying to keep up with appearances. For a challenge I took a different kind of selfie with my mobile and now chose it for John’s Cellpic Sunday

Christmas market – Helsinki

Yesterday we visited the Tuomaan markkinat – Helsinki Chrismas Market little bit too early if we had waited for the sunset the lights would have been more brighter, but even thought we were a bit early it was crowded hard to get to the the vendor booths. It was rather windy and cold, but it is winter 🙂

Providing a more responsible alternative to mass-produced gifts and decorations, Helsinki Christmas Market brings to Senate Square a significant number of artisans and small producers from all over Finland. The market’s atmospheric core consists of the Deliyard and Restaurant Yard, which also serves alcoholic beverages, where one can enjoy seasonal treats and festive holiday spirit.

Posted for John’s Cellpic Sunday

Moody weather

Taken today from through the car window, a pine tree in our yard and elms that still have yellow brown leaves on them when nearly all tree are bare.

Pine tree in November rain

Posted for John’s Cellpic Sunday

Elk or a moose

I took this yesterday though a window, enjoying the moose or elk on the sidewalk in Matinkylä, Espoo. It was late afternoon so the it was already a bit dark. Are you surprised if I say gray? I did not a have camera with me so I took this on my mobile and edited it on Lightroom that I have on my mobile. So this is really a Cellpic 🙂 I did three edits, in the first one I added light and enhanced the gray tones.

The two others are more real to the actual colors of the moment, One I added light and the other There is quite a bit of vignette to bring your focus to the center. That one is the most accurate of the light and tones. It is amazing how editing can change a shot.

Is it an elk? Is it a moose? If you’re in Finland, the answer is “BOTH”! The iconic, majestic forest dweller  is known as a moose in North America and an elk in Europe. To make matters even more confusing, elk in North America is used for an entirely different animal – a kind of deer.

Cellpic Sunday