I have been thinking

that is such a original title, it sure gives you a reason to read this post.

I have been doing a little bit of thinking lately, about my photography, and my feeling about social media. As I’ve been having issues with my compter and back-ups and all problems, delays that has followed from them, I am so behind with my posts. Or am I?

Green leaves and droplets

I have been sucked in to this notion, that if you don’t share your photos straight away they are not relevant anymore. Everyone posts their photos direckly from their mobile, even from the location or at least the same day. I do that occasionally too, of coarse I do, but I take most of my photos with the old fashioned way, with a camera. I take time to look through them, edit them and then post them. Due to that, I am always posting at least a day or two later than the day I shot them. Are they still relevant question them comes to mind.

Droplets and reflections

Stupid as it is, it feels like that, and it shouldn’t. This summer it has been a real problem (or not) as my problems have caused me to wait weeks to download them and to do what I do with my photos. Sharing photos on Facebook or Instagram weeks after feels like I am totally late. Should I post at all ?

This has caused me lack of inspiration to post anything, like who cares, really. It is all in my mind, and I know it is totally stupidity on my part. Who cares and knows where I am and when…

Having said all this I’ve decided to start posting photos I took this summer. I did not take as many photographs this summer as I usually do, one of the reasons been the the issues I have been writing about and the other is I feel that I have taken so many photos of the same places and things that I ended up not carrying my camera around with me.

Wow, haven’t written this much in a long time, if you read this far, thanks! Tell me what you think about this topic, if anything 🙂

I need to add a couple photos to this post, well that is what i usually do, post photos. As this is such grumpy, self-defense, teary post. Droplets will be the theme.

Random shots – droplets

Let the photos speak, not that many words needed. After rain.

Beautiful light on the coloful berries
Reflections on a water droplet


As I stated in my 52 Frames post, that I would post a separate post about droplets. Here it is.

I love photographing them, most of them are not worth the digital space they take and sometimes I am lucky and I am happy with them and share them. As you have guessed, I am happy how these turned out. Minimalist, simple and green.

“A single gentle rain makes the grass many shades greener.” – Henry David Thoreau

a sign of spring

Pussy willow is a name given to willows and sallows when their furry catkins are young in early spring. Early Spring – Yes!!!!!

May – Macro#1

After the rain had stopped I went looking for signs of spring. Looking for macro shots or at least close-ups. The catkins were so nicely covered with droplets so I took this to be my first May there topic. Happy May first to all and regards from rainy Finland.


I love droplets and these are so pretty to me. The early summer greeness is so inviting


Rain, rain, rain, that is all we have had in past days, and the forecast is not any more promising. So between the showers I’ve taken few pictures with droplets.

A Photo a Week Challenge: Focal Point

nature- Ritva Sillanmäki (24 of 40) Bro garden, drops (73 of 94) Bro garden, drops (68 of 94) Natures flowers- Ritva Sillanmäki (6 of 80)


A Photo a Week Challenge: Focal Point

After rain

I am trying very hard to find something positive about our summer weather this year. Honestly, It is  so, so hard, it has been cold (+12C )and it has been raining most of the time. BUT on the positive side you might get few good drop pics. I am rather happy with these…

Beauty in nature

I found this plant covered with dewdrops this morning – it was so lovely. The detail you can see when looking closely. All photos can be enlarged by clicking them

This is linked to: shinethedivinecreativityisaspiritualpractice.com.

Tulip bud and leaves after rain

RS 2014 5-11-3