
The more in harmony you are with the flow of your own existence, the more magical life becomes. ~Adyashanti

Everything flows and nothing abides, everything gives way and nothing stays fixed. ~Heraclitus

All things change, nothing is extinguished. There is nothing in the whole world which is permanent. Everything flows onward; all things are brought into being with a changing nature; the ages themselves glide by in constant movement.

Spring day in Monochrome

The sky was blue, the shadows long and the wind was so cold. I thought nature shots could look great in monochrome as the light and shadows give the photos nice contrast. Also the trees are leafless so they are more structured and might look better in a way. I my previous post from this same location the photos are in color. The feeling is so different in these.

Ripples on the water
Rowing boat

Spring day

Few days back we had a lovely spring day, except for the cold wind that was so cold that it went straight to the bones at this lake Humaljärvi as I was taking photos there. The sky was blue, the shadows long and the wind was so cold. I did look nice and you could sense that spring was o its way.

Lake Humaljärvi, Kirkkonummi, Finland
the water flows you can see ripples on the water from the nippy wind

December 24,25 and 26

Christmas came and went with out the white snowy Christmas I wished for, but it was a nice traditional celebration with family. Lots of food and chocolates. There are few days left of this year and few more blue and white photos to be posted…2017-2 Seaside-9

2017-2 Seaside-232017-2 Seaside-14


Winters art

The nature has some beautiful details for us, if we keep out ice open. I really like how the light comes through the icicles.

Ice  (3)-2

Ice  (6)

Ice  (5)-2

Frozen leaf

I was totally surprised this weekend, I woke up in the morning and the temperature was -8C, way too cold for my liking, but I did find some great photo opportunities; like these frozen leaves.

Linked to I heart Macro and Monday Macro2

Silent Sunday – Hello sunshine

bro flowers (27 of 103)


bro flowers (59 of 103)

After a month of cold weather we are enjoying a warm sunny Sunday! Loving it!

Blue Monday

Ritva Sillanmäki (48 of 113) Ritva Sillanmäki (52 of 113)
oh dear… I think spring is upon us.I’m just Loving it,  to see the waters break free from the ice, blue skies, warmer weather. Happy Monday!

Smiling Sally

Early spring

This is the reality – previous posts were me in a dream mode, wishing that greenness was already here

Ritva's Photos (25 of 152) Ritva's Photos (24 of 152) Ritva's Photos (2 of 152)

Walking on ice

1-Ritva's Photos (2 of 152) 2-Ritva's Photos (11 of 152) 3-Ritva's Photos (12 of 152)

Ice flowers in rapids

This sighting is rare – and beautiful .  I had to post few more photos of it

Spring in Kirkkonummi

tina´s wordless wednesday # 85

Spring has finally arrived to us here in Kirkkonummi, Finland. Yesterday  in the garden, I saw the crocuses were in bloom and  spotted the first wood anemone’s  in the forest.

The catkins were still in going strong – and there was still some ice in the ditch by the road.

Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Spring 2013


Beautiful hazy foggy day

You can find beauty in a day full of hazy fog…if you look for it.

The sun was already going down and it was around 2 pm, in the first photos, and 4 pm in the last 4 photos.

ein stück himmel # 53

Skywatch Friday, Season 5, Episode 26

Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Continue reading “Beautiful hazy foggy day”

Snow and Ice

It is winter here in Finland and we got 20-40 cm of snow last Friday  – so I have to go with textures of winter.

Snow flakes can be so beautiful…beauty in detail

Snow flakes

Challenge is: Texture in Nature!

I’m participating in the online adventure travel magazine LetsBeWild.com’s Wild Weekly Photo Challenge for bloggersThis week’s Challenge is: Texture in Nature!
