Lens Artists Challenge #278: Unique

This week Any wants us to showcase unique. What is unique.

My husband, my children and grandkids are unique to me. That is what first came to my mind. Life changing. One of a kind. I am not going to post photos of them, even thought that was the first thought.

The word unique has different meanings depending on the context.

  • being the only one of its kind
  • being without a like or equal
  • distinctively characteristic or peculiar
  • able to be distinguished from all others of its class or type

For example, a unique signature is the only one of its kind and cannot be copied by anyone else, see my header 😀 . A unique achievement is unparalleled and incomparable to any other. Things that are very remarkable or unusual. Sometimes, people use the word unique to describe themselves or their qualities. They may want to emphasize what makes them different from others, or what makes them stand out in a positive way.

Nothing what have I photographed is that unique, that is something I really think, i an sure someone else has capture them also, some better than me some less so, but in a a way they are unique none of them are totally the same. Here are my attempts of capturing something unique – to me.

Watching the waves , Each wave is unique every time, the movement, colors…so on. So yes here is a photo of waves.

Turquoise movement

Beauty is in everyone’s eyes, also, so is what we think is unique

California hosts the most unique trees , the redwoods. Redwood trees are some of the tallest and largest trees in the world. While there are three types of the trees in the world, sequoia and sequoiadendron are the type found in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Huge mountains, rugged foothills, deep canyons, vast caverns, and the world’s largest trees exemplify the diversity of landscapes, life, I was at awed by the nature in Sequoia

The art nature does… so unique. Beautiful details, every stone is different, frost on the glass, flowers pedals..

Why are we in a lookout for sunsets, because they are all unique. Glorious colors

I would like to think that my art is unique 🙂 Mixed media, statues, oil paintings and aquarelle are few mediums I have dappled with

If you’re new to Lens-Artists and would like to join, follow this link for more information.

Random July 11

I am going to continue with macro shots,  hope you enjoy the colorful bubbles. 

New Blog and Monthly Theme

Hi all,

it is nearly new year and I decided to make a bold move. I changed my theme here on WP – what do you think? My aim was to lessen the clutter and give the spotlight on my photos.

As you know I am not a writer, I don’t have that much to say at least I do not think that too many would be interested in my rambling style of writing. My writing reflects the clutter in my mind, hopping and popping from one thought to an other. So to get a something other than a mind flow kind of text from me here is a challenge. I reserve that to my work.  This is for my photos, the way I see the world through my lens.

As a hint of the coming month – I am once again picking a theme. I will be visiting friends in Florida in January, so my photos will be filled with sunshine and sights. I am posting some photos from my previous trip to begin with and when I get there, my uploads will all from my mobile as I an not going to carry my laptop with me – you know I will be on holiday.

Key West sunset-92.jpg
Lets see what I will find in my archives?

How to survive November 2017- 26

Nearly done with this month! YES! Drove to work and it was dark. Came home it was dark. I did go to a training for work and on the way there visited an art gallery. Not too bad for a slush filled day.






walk continues

I love these crooked pine trees that the wind and weather has shaped.


Hi, just in case if someone misses my photos or notices that I am absent from the blogging world. I will be visiting Lapland and the Arctic Circle until Saturday evening, work can be fun.. So most likely you will see lots more photos of snow in days coming, maybe a rain deer or two…huskies.

See you at the end of the week. These photos are near my house in Southern Finland and all can be enlarged by a click 🙂

Monochrome Madness (25) – Devil’s-bit

This is my next (the first photo) entry to  the  Monochrome Madness Challenge (MM) hosted by Leanne Cole and Laura Macky so happy to be able to be part of this talented group!. I have not done a black and white entry of a flower for them for this week( 25), so here is Succisa pratensis, Devil’s-bit or Devil’s-bit Scabious ,…. I think it looks good  in monochrome.

Purjojuuri_Ritva Sillanmäki  (1 of 1)-2

Purhojuuri rs090814 (23 of 51)

Original photo below.  All details can be seen better by clicking at an image to enlarge them.

rs090814 (14 of 51)

  More beautiful photos at Monochrone Madness Tuesday August 19th.

Monochrome Madness (24) – Young boy

This   is my submission to week 24 to the  Monochrome Madness Challenge hosted by Leanne Cole and Laura Macky. I like the expression caught by the camera, my son had just woken up and was in no mood to be photographed. I think it is captured in this shot. I like that is not a posed shot.

Ritva Sillanmäki-6

Original photo below.  All details can be seen better by clicking at an image to enlarge them.

Ritva Sillanmäki-7

  More beautiful photos at Monochrone Madness Tuesday August 12th.

Monochrome Madness (23) – Point Vicente Lighthouse

The top one of these photos is my submission to week 23 to the  Monochrome Madness Challenge hosted by Leanne Cole and Laura Macky.  This light house is from California,  Point Vicente Lighthouse.  I did various versions of this, the original photo is at the bottom of the post.

Ritva Sillanmäki - CA light house (1 of 2)

Ritva Sillanmäki - CA light house (3 of 3) Ritva Sillanmäki - CA light house (2 of 3)


Ritva Sillanmäki - CA light house (1 of 3)

Ritva Sillanmäki - CA light house (1 of 1)



More beautiful photos at Monochrone Madness Tuesday August 5th.

Monochrome Madness (22) – Wooden wall

The top one of these photos is my submission to week 22 to the  Monochrome Madness Challenge hosted by Leanne Cole and Laura Macky.This wall is from an old barn,it is  now days used as a junk store. I liked how the light came through the wooden planks. This time I also like the original photos, maybe even a bit more.

All details can be seen better by clicking at an image to enlarge them.

Junk store (70 of 91) Junk store (69 of 91) Junk store (67 of 91) Junk store (68 of 91)



I am again ahead of time,  as last time I was late with my entry.Did not make it , my bad. More beautiful photos at Monochrone Madness Tuesday July 29th.

Monochrome Madness (21) – Wooden train from 1952

One of these photos is my submission to week 21 to the  Monochrome Madness Challenge hosted by Leanne Cole and Laura Macky.

I saw this wooden train(1952) in Porvoo, it still regulary takes tourist on a ride it is pulled bya steam locomotive .All details can be seen better by clicking at an image to enlarge them.


Porvoo (23 of 288) Porvoo (51 of 288) Porvoo (28 of 288) Porvoo (22 of 288) Porvoo (31 of 288) Porvoo (32 of 288) Porvoo (18 of 288) Porvoo (49 of 288)


more at Monochrone Madness tomorrow July 22th.

Monochrome Madness (20) – Books

One of these photos is my submission to week 20 to the  Monochrome Madness Challenge hosted by Leanne Cole and Laura Macky.

I chose these photos  because I liked the looks of these books as they are, old hardcover books are so beutifully binded.They are also well read and that is the so important in a book… I thought they would look good also in BW. Hope you agree.

All details can be seen better by clicking at an image to enlarge them.

Books- Ritva Sillanmäki (2 of 4) Books- Ritva Sillanmäki (3 of 4) Books- Ritva Sillanmäki (1 of 4) Books- Ritva Sillanmäki (4 of 4)



more at Monochrone Madness tomorrow July 15th.

Weekly Photo challenge – The Daily Post – Twisted

bw-3 bw-4 bw-2

“Twist” is filthy with meaning: it’s the unexpected, it’s surprise, it’s even an amazing ice cream choice. What does “twist” mean to you?

The first tree are twisted…others are suprises and in an other post

Click the photos to enlarge them. More at: The  Daily Post Photo Challenges




Weekly Photo challenge – The Daily Post – Work of Art

Art” isn’t just paintings and sculptures, it can be anything in which we find beauty and meaning — even food. Show us a thing, place, or person that’s a work of art to you.

Art is in the eyes of the beholder, flowers, nature are art in its self. Churches are full of art, in an outside. Landmarks, statues, paintings, everyday cutlery can be art. Jewels….

Here are few I have captured

Click the photos to enlarge them. More at: The  Daily Post Photo Challenges




Weekly Photo challenge – The Daily Post – Work of Art

Art” isn’t just paintings and sculptures, it can be anything in which we find beauty and meaning — even food. Show us a thing, place, or person that’s a work of art to you.

I am going to raise my own tail, here are photos of some of my own “ART” work. Oil paintings, sculpture, digital art. Word is free, let me know what you think 🙂 I’ll have to do an other post with a different take on the topic .

Click the photos to enlarge them. More at: The  Daily Post Photo Challenges




Steamed clams

I usually do not take photos of food – few times I’ve tried – here is one of my attempts to do so.

What do you think?

steamed clams- cropped (1)

steamed clams- cropped (2)

steamed clams- cropped b&w

Weekly Photo Challenge – Different Point of View

I took photos of this old wooden barn –  I have not taken  one single shot  of the whole building,  but the parts that are about to be destroyed by time.

I do not once again know if this a different point of view… of what. But it is beautiful in its ugliness.

Weekly Photo Challenge – Different Point of View

Bandon Beach, Oregon

Bandon-by-the-sea is a small, charming coastal town with the most lovely beach. Here are some of my photos from there.

This post is linked to  Skywqtch Friday – Season 7, Episode 10 and http://travelphotodiscovery.com/sonoma-hike-through-olompali-travel-photo-mondays-12/

Birds of a Feather! 2

I’m participating in LetsBeWild.com’s Wild Weekly Photo Challenge. This week’s Challenge is: Birds of a Feather!

Birds Birds Birds

These first tree are Pikkukäpylintu -(finnish name) photos were taken last fall. The yellow one is a female

The other three photos were taken in Sri Lanka – and if I knew my birds – I would tell you their name.

Birds Birds Birds

Beautiful hazy foggy day

You can find beauty in a day full of hazy fog…if you look for it.

The sun was already going down and it was around 2 pm, in the first photos, and 4 pm in the last 4 photos.

ein stück himmel # 53

Skywatch Friday, Season 5, Episode 26

Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Hazy foggy day Continue reading “Beautiful hazy foggy day”


The idea was to photograph water – I was trying to find new way of seeing it –

so I took photos of puddles, sea ripples, these are few of the photos I took…


Continue reading “Water”